I don't have to go to work anymore. It hasn't really sunk in yet, and I expect that even when Monday morning comes and I don't have to go into the office, it still won't feel real that this is a long-term situation.
I had hoped that my last week at work would consist of slacking, leisurely packing, and nostalgic conversations with coworkers. Instead, it was mostly a frantic rush of plowing through my to-do list, forwarding email, and meeting to train the people taking over my projects. There was way too much stress, but now it's over.
I had a couple of fun farewell parties on Thursday. The managers organized a pizza lunch, and most of the department showed up to say goodbye (and eat free pizza). Later that afternoon, a bunch of people joined me for margaritas at a nearby Mexican restaurant, and we had a merry time.
I only ended up having about an hour to dispense of the contents of my desk at the end of the day on Friday. I had a drawer full of folders containing five and a half years of notes. If I'd had more time, I would have gone painstakingly through all the contents, reminiscing over old projects. Due to the time constraint, I flipped through everything in ten minutes and came to the correct conclusion that all the information was out-of-date or recorded elsewhere. Since my handwriting is illegible, there was no point in passing the papers on to anyone else. It was satisfying to shove it all into the bin for shredding.
Most of my collection of cow stuff was living at work. I don't have anywhere to put it at home, and except for some items with personal value for sentimental or other reasons, I didn't want any of it anymore. After packing the pieces I did want to take with me, I distributed the rest to the desks of my coworkers. Most people weren't around, so they'll have a surprise cow when they come to work Monday. I even placed some cows in places where they won't necessarily be noticed right away. I was sorry for once that I didn't have even more cows, because I wasn't able to leave one for everybody.