The season rubs me wrong

Jan 01, 2011 12:19

Preview of Me: The 2011 Edition

  • Faster. Stronger. - For the first time in a long time I'm content with my body. The only thing that's missing is some muscle and strength. I get winded so easily that I quickly get discouraged by exercise. My goal this year is to stick to stuff that is fun but good for me. From yoga, to dancing, to even something as simple as a quick bike ride or an hour of Wii-Fit. I think doing stuff like this is much more realistic and less daunting than an expensive gym membership I never take advantage of.
  • More courage - I honestly don't know why I'm so shy/scared about certain things in life, it's just how I've always been. Like my exercise goal, I'm going to start doing small things to build up more courage.
  • Actually FINISHES projects - I have so many grand ideas over the course of a year, but it is very rare that I actually see them through. This year I'm going to actually write down my ideas and treat them like my "to do" list I have at work.
  • No longer a slave to the 40 hour work week - One of my biggest issues right now is that by the time I get out of work I am so tired and beat down that I cannot even fathom doing anything else with my day. I get up, go to work, come home, watch some TV, and am in bed by 10:00. Days are beginning to run together and I'm not living life to the fullest. It sucks. I'm hoping my little exercises will increase my energy so I actually feel like doing things again.
  • Better friend (both offline and on) - This is sort of related to my last item, but this past year I felt I failed in the friend department. It's just so easy to let the months slip away, and it was especially rough for a few months after my last boyfriend.


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