Show-makers, take note. This is how you do a season finale.
It's official. I am obsessed.
There were so many points in this episode that I was literally bouncing up and down and trying to hold back a "squee!" I am thrilled that
there will be a series 3, but to be perfectly honest if this had been the end of the show, I'd have been ok. It was just so perfect in every way.
- The opening was epic. I just loved how there was all this build-up--the typical geek-turned-superhero plot--but the power ended up being totally lame. ..BUT THEN IT WASN'T! The kid turned out to be like fucking Magneto! "Oh, I see you helped yourself to some pizza earlier...DIE!!!"
- Nathan trying to get that woman to cure him of his STD, so fucked up and hilarious at the same time. I wonder if healing girl will be back next series.
- Can I just say how much I loved the fact that Curtis was able to save the day because he is lactose intolerant? BRILLIANT!
- I am clearly slow on the uptake. I saw Kelly in the locker room with Nathan and I thought, "Sweet! Kelly has learned how to broadcast her thoughts!" But then she's like "I'm fookin' dead!" and I was like :O !
- Watching all of them die in such a cruel fashion was horrible, but the absolute worst was seeing Nathan. That was such a twisted, yet fitting end for him. Watching Simon's face when he realized what happened was like a stab in the heart...and then Simon actually got stabbed! ;_;
- THAT SHOT OF SIMON TURNING IN TO SUPER!HOODIE! asdjfasdfasklhf! Can I just say that Iwan is an amazing actor? The little things he's done to show how Simon has changed and grown has been a joy to watch. I can't believe I ever found him creepy. HE'S JUST MISUNDERSTOOD, K?!
- Ohhh, Simon/Alisha, I heart. ♥ Everything about Simon finding out about Future!Simon was perfect. I couldn't have been happier with that whole reveal. ...And then they did a CTRL+Z on the entire thing! That's ok, though. All in good time.
- Time travel...makes my head hurt. I'm not even going to begin to figure out the timelines and such. My theory is that every time Curtis jumps back there is a parallel alternate/timeline/universe created. It's somewhat easier to process, I think. =S
- It's going to be a little weird seeing the character not in community service next series.
I'm looking forward to the Christmas special...but not the long break between series.