We Put Our Feet Just Where They Had to Go

May 11, 2007 15:11

Oh gym, why do you hurt me so? I'm proud of myself for going so much this month, but...ow.

In other news: I watched a lot of TV this week. :P

I thought this episode worked very well as a bridge to the final two. I don't have much to say about it at the moment since I waited so long to write a review.

OMG! It's Heidi and the mini Petrellis~! *Squee!* Nathan picking both his sons up! Awww! ♥ I felt bad for Claire, really, but the giddiness I felt from seeing Daddy!Nathan? So worth it! :3

I loved Mohinder A LOT in this episode. A LOT.

Peter: Yeah, I also dreamt that I could fly - we know how that turned out for you.
Claire: *to Nathan* You can fly?
Nathan: *shrug*
Claire: That's cool.

LHASklfjhasdkfjhalkdjfhslkajfhklashdf;adfg!!!!!! I KIND OF LOVED THIS MOMENT.

Poor Nathan is being pulled in a whole bunch of different directions, isn't he? My theory is that he will do some bad things and go with Linderman and his mother's plan until the last minute when he says "fuck this" (in an "appropriate for broadcast TV" manner), and joins the good fight.

Sylar was wonderful and creepifying, as usual. Really great performance from Zachary in this episode. The mother on the other hand wasn't that great in the acting department. :|

Umm, I know I'm forgetting a lot of stuff, but that's all I got for now. I can't believe there's only two episodes left!

Veronica Mars
Not even the awesomeness that is Paul Rudd could save this episode from:

1. Too much Piz.
2. Logan making an ass of himself by creating an ass website. Ass.
3. An excruciatingly boring mystery.
4. Mac breaking up with Bronson.

It's a sad, sad day when I'm more excited about the reappearance of Leo and Vinnie and a Paul Rudd appearance than I am about everything else.


That's all I have to say about that. alsdkjflsdjflskdjfLMAO! XD

Oh, and also, I hope Chase gets a new girlfriend or something soon. Everyone treats him like crap. Poor Chase. ;_;

American Idol
Oh no, this week was painful.

I expected as much out of disco night, but...wow. I really wish they'd get rid of theme nights and let the contestants sing whatever the hell they want every week (including original stuff). I don't see how being able to sing disco (aka a dead genre of music) somehow proves that someone deserves to win.


How adorable was Blake's horrified face when Ryan announced he was the only guy left? XD

Speaking of Blake, I didn't really like his first performance (although kudos to him for keeping it in falsetto the whole time), but I really dug his second time around. Good for him, picking an obscure song. I don't understand why a song has to be popular and well-known to the public for a contestant to do well. The judges are so fucking headache inducing. Last week they praised Blake for making a song his own and beat boxing, and then this week they bashed him for it. UGH. Make up your damn minds!

I wanted Lakisha to go this week, but, like Phil, she went left the show in a completely classy way and kind of made me regret the fact that I didn't like her more. She seemed awesome.

I really hate when it becomes obvious who the AI people want to win. We GET it! Jordin is ONLY 17!! Whoopdee-freakin-doo. >:| You've given past 17-year-old contestants crap for their age, but suddenly it's just SO WONDERFUL! Pft. I'm not voting for her no matter how much the judges praise her.


Did they...DID THEY JUST KILL LOCKE!?!?!?!?!


Holy crap. I...I can't even...*head explodes.*

The Office
I loved this episode SO MUCH, OMG!!!

I cannot stop laughing. I keep thinking about poor Andy floating away in his sumo outfit and lmaooooo! PRICELESS!

Poor Toby! He looked so miserable about the fact that he wouldn't get to see Pam in her two-piece bathing suit.

Michael: Jim Halpert. Pros: smart, cool, good-looking. Remind you of anybody you know? Cons: not a hard worker. I can spend all day on a project, and he will finish the same project in a half an hour. So that should tell you something.

Hahahaha. Oh, Michael.

Dwight: We will be called Gryffindor!
Jim: Really? Not Slytherin?
Dwight: Slytherin are the bad guys, Jim.
Jim: I know. Okay, we will be Voldemort.
Dwight: He who must not be named? I wouldn’t do that.
Jim: *Chants.* Vol-de-mort, Vol-de-mort …

lskdjflakjsflajksdfl;sajka;lkjsdjkdsfhgjklh!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG!

Stanley: I would rather work for an upturned broom with a bucket for a head than work for somebody else in this office besides myself. Game on.

Mwahahahaha! Stanley FTW! That look he gave Jim during their sumo fight was terrifying.

Jim: Oh my god, I have never seen that look in a man’s eyes...ever. I thought that I might die. On beach day.

Kelly: Who’s Bob Hope?
Ryan: *Looks like he wants to die.*
Michael: God! He’s, he’s a comedian.
Kelly: Oh, like Amanda Bynes.
Michael: Who’s Amanda Bynes?
Kelly: She’s from What A Girl Wants.
Michael: Oh, I love that movie.

*Cough*So do I.*Cough*

AND PAM! I don't care what anyone else says, that speech (aside from a few clunky bits) was awesome. The writers have been building up to this moment all season for her and it was completely worth it. I loved when she called everyone out about the art show thing; although I wish she had given mention to the fact that Osacar and Michael DID show up. The stunned look on Jim's face was perfection. I hope we get some resolution to that speech during next week's finale.

I hope that Andy was eventually rescued from the lake.

I loved the first half and then everything got very weird and unnecessary.

They blew up The Roadhouse! They killed Ava, Andy, and Ash! NOT A GOOD EPISODE FOR PEOPLE WHOSE NAMES BEGAN WITH 'A!' WHYYYY?!? I was thrilled to see more characters on this show! Don't get me wrong, I love Sam and Dean, but this show could use some new people.

At least Bobby is still around! YAY FOR BOBBY!

I do not believe for a second that Sam is (permanently) dead, so I'm not all that torn up about him. The A-Team on the other hand? WOE! ;____;

Also, I'm confused...if the demon has been rooting for Sam this whole, why not just make him the only special one? Why this lame competition where only two of the other contenders are willing to battle it out?

tv: house, tv: supernatural, irl, tv: lost, tv: veronica mars, tv: heroes, tv: american idol, tv: the office

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