Here’s Another Sunday

May 06, 2007 14:49

Whee! I just made out like a bandit at my mall's bookstore. The store is going out of business later this month so everything in there was 50% off. *Geekgasm.* I ended up leaving with:

  • Stardust by Neil Gaiman
  • Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins
  • Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
  • Dead I Well May Be by Adrian McKinty
  • Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris
  • 2 bookmarks: a metal one with 'Wisdom' written in Chinese and a Harry Potter one with the merman scene from Golet of Fire
All of that along with the two books and two gift sets my mom bought and it only ended up being around $45.


I'll start tackling all of those once I'm finished with The Road. Hooray for summer reading!


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