Is This for Real, I Ask?

Apr 30, 2007 22:49

I just had to post about it before I went to bed.

Heroes: "String Theory"...or "Five Years Gone"...whatever
Hollllyyyy crap. That was one of the best episodes of any show I've ever seen. My only regret is that it wasn't longer!
  • W00t! moosewizard was right!. President!Future!Nathan was actually Sylar in disguise! And they totally hinted at it when Peter had that dream in jail where Sylar turned in to Nathan! Nice! This means that Nathan really didn't go all yay!genocide! Which also, crap. That means the real Future!Nathan is dead? THIS BETTER NOT HAPPEN FOR REAL, DAMMIT! I WILL CRY BUCKETS, I SWEAR! Although...
  • I'm kind of convinced at this point that one of the Petrelli brothers will not make it past this season. I'm thinking Nathan will die, just because I love him so damn much. ;___; I'd much rather it be Peter, though (if one of them has to go, I mean). He is becoming WAY too gary stu powerful. Either he has to be killed off at some point or something has to happen to limit his abilities.
  • HUGE props to the special effects team on this show. Not!Nathan flying, destroyed!future!New York!, Future!Peter vs Future!Sylar!, all of it looked amazing.
  • I am not a slash person by any stretch of the imagination. I do not watch every show in the hopes of finding two characters I can pair together. That being said, Heroes is the slashiest show. EVER! Hiro/Ando! Mohinder/Nathan(kinda)! Mohinder/Sylar (new OTP?)! Mohinder/Peter! Okay, mostly just Mohinder/anyone.
  • I have one real nitpick with this episode: that Matt never realized that Nathan wasn't really Nathan. Oh well. They can only fit so much in an hour, I suppose.
  • MOLLY?! That little girl Matt saved waaayyyy back in the beginning of the series? :O CONTINUITY FTFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Wow. Matt turned out to be the biggest jerk of them all! Sure, he had his reasons, but still, wow. He killed Future!Hiro and Bennet! At least we know for sure that Matt's kid will have an ability.
  • I loved the moment where Nathan!Who!Was!Really!Sylar flew in front of everyone. He didn't care who saw, or that his presidency was gone--he just wanted more power and the thought of killing Peter was just too tempting to resist.
  • I'm pissed that we never found out what happened to the real Nathan (aside from the obvious), or Heidi, or Mama Petrelli, or the two kids. :(
  • I...kind of like Peter/Niki? Huh. I don't want it happen again, but I certainly didn't hate it during this episode.
  • Future!Peter was totally hot, OMG! First time I haven't found him annoying in some way. That scene in the strip club where he was invisible and slid the glass towards himself...GUH!
  • Hiro and Ando. What can I say, really? I love them both to pieces. I really hope Ando doesn't die, either. YOU MUST LIVE, NATHAN AND ANDO!!!
  • I wonder if this is the last we've seen of Claire's future fiance. I'm guessing it isn't, because I can't see any reason why they'd randomly make her engaged. Hmmm.
  • I want to see a longer Sylar/Peter fight. That was just too awesome.
I cannot WAIT to see all the fic that this episode inspires. :3

I have more thoughts and theories and stuff far, but I'm too alskdjflajsdghkjasdghksjdgh! to think straight anymore.


tv: heroes

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