Alright-- I just typed an entry and I accidentally hit the back button. Fun.
Didn't do today:
- Get New Sneakers
- Bike Ride
- Business with WCC
Why? We went to Chicago instead so I can pay back my aunt $600.
I had the money on hand, and she wasn't there. Why? My mom thought leaving a voicemail is enough notice.
I asked her if she had called back, and she replied no. That's where the problem lies!
Anywho, later on, I go to Walmart, grab some prints, and hair dye.
Go to Sam's Club, and pick up my 2 carrot cakes.
and Now I am home.
Waiting for the hair dye to set in, waiting for laundry, and the Unoa faces to dry. Relax~
Which I need to redo the Bully face it seems. I'm going to practice some more on Sleeping Soo
and then go on to Nena and Ariel.
Tonight I0plan to draw, but we'll see....
Hopefully I'll get some inspiration eh?
Plans for tomorrow:
- Sneakers
- Bike Ride
- Draw?