Mar 15, 2011 01:10
so yeah...not much change since the last entry.... some good happened...but im still fucked. phillip finally got ahold of his aunt, who moved him down to florida THAT NIGHT...waaaay too soon for me.... that was hell on my heart... ive had to see him go twice in less than 4 weeks... i only had him back for a week... and now he is being taken from me again. i cry at the littlest things. like i realized he left his favorite cereal and i cried cause i couldnt get it to him. i cry when i see lou lou walking around all mopey looking for him. i cry whenever someone (or tv) mentions the word "daddy" and our son looks around as if waiting to see him.
not to mention, i no longer have freya.... i couldnt bring the pups to my mom's cause her mental dog bear would kill them. i hate that fucking dog...wish he would fucking DIE!!!! and i dont often say that about an animal. any animal. but he is crazy and fucked up in the head. took the snakes to a petstore to just GIVE them to them. only because we had no way of keeping them warm. my friend let us stay in their shed for a few days...freezing cold in the rain. they obviously didnt want us there but we had no place to go!!! they are the ones that said we could stay.... read on facebook on her status there was mention of a "thorn" which she claims were my puppies, but i know better.
and she hated bailey. said she wasnt right in the head. and out of control. im sorry when my dogs mind me and phillip and only us. im NOT sorry she decided to breed her dog, a LARGE dog. larger than bailey. already has 2 schanuzers, her doberman bitch. keeping 2 doberman pups about the size of bailey actually... not to mention 3 or 4 other pups she isnt keeping. in a house that has 4 people already. and 17. fucking. cats.
i miss him.....
he is down in florida, having a great time. has a job through his aunt's "friend" who he suspects is interested in his aunt. also said "friend" has a ps3 and r.e.5 and he is loving on that. even went to the beach. seems great. good EASY job, good pay. always gets off early so he has plenty of time to fuck around play his magic game online. also the place has a swimming pool.
meanwhile im stuck at my moms. not wanted here either. and she bitches when i get people calling her phone to hire me, cusses them for calling so much. cusses me about it. i dont get the job. then she cusses and bitches at me for NOT HAVING A JOB. so im fucked either way. my car is still in the wrecker place. would have been 157 if i got it out that day... but 15 is added each day. plus the MAIN part (right axle) to fix it is about 100, not to mention the labor for it. and then have to replace headlight, fender, front body piece. probably replace the tire. im FUCKED!!!!
I miss living in our least we were together then. he says he misses it to. hates being so far away (even though i know he is having fun, he feels bad about it). but once again we was together. had transportation, shelter over our heads, it was a car but better than anything. and now we are in a way worse than we started...