Mar 08, 2011 15:42
The true to life episode....
Well, I was told I had to come get phillip, and so i scrounge up the money to do so. I go all the way down there (got a ticket the hell idk) but anyways, get down there and apparently the girl we was staying with wanted to buy BOTH of our snakes for $30... Snakes that was my gift. MINE. My present. Anniversary at that. not one. but both. that was kinda a hard hit.
then got accused of "stealing" food. food my food stamps paid for. food we allowed them to eat. our food. and yet we stole it from them when we even left some foods in the fridge and freezer.
not to mention all the shit we got for them to be nice and to kinda pay what we could. we had no cash but at least we could give them food. when we got there the cabinets were basically bare.
and they...rather she actually... complains and bitches at me and says she can afford their own fucking food and for me to take my shit. well. i did. and now apparently i stole my own food. but whatever.
anyways, so we came back up to tennessee. because this is what we know. where our ID's are from. people we know are here. and so we was living in our car. because after we got back my mom decides to turn her back on us AGAIN and say...oh oops changed my mind. cant come here.. blah blah blah. its my mom. what did i expect? at least a little warning i guess..
so yeah, living in our car. last major possession we own other than phillips laptop. and stayed at a friend's house a few nights..and another "friend's" backyard. and walmart parking lot.
well our "friend" decided come the day i was supposed to take him to work so he could get phillip on like he promised he would, he would up and ditch. and on his signature after one day of meeting some chic? "Charley n britt 4 ever!!" if that would even last. he is a fat, tiny dick, lazy ass dirty bastard that does nothing but lie and manipulate and deceive... and the chic he is with is a whore for one, fucks anything that moves. REALLY fat. face looks like a damn bulldog (think Ugg from Georgia football drawings) and only after him for money. well..he mooches that off his grandmother so there is another thing coming to her. both are probably deceased, and if not will be with how they going. charley is so fucking desperate for something to fuck his ugly fat ass its not even funny... and well...the bitch...pfft...not going there.
so of course, like usual, charley fucks us over. AGAIN. lost our home partly because of him btw. fed him, let him stay free, use our water and run up our bills....
and now when he promises he would help get phillip on at a good paying job. OH! I got a girlfriend that will just end up using me and fuck me over but I dont care cause im getting LAID!!!!
so now, we were living pretty much solely in walmart parking lot.
well, today phillip had an interview. OMG YES! and on our way there, we stop, put gas in the car, check oil, and what not. and ONE BLOCK away from the place. 15 min to his interview...BAM! old ass woman hits me.
i stopped at a stop sign. look both ways twice. nothing. was all clear. so i proceed to go, and when i get to the other side of the intersection im barely in the drive, and the bitch hits me. pushed my car from one side of the street complete to the other end UP onto the SIDEWALK!!!!!
another foot and i would be pinned between the car and a light pole. the old lady had ran a redlight at the middle of the hill, was speeding, and hit my car and totaled it. and i mean FUCKED it up...
the front right wheel is so totaled the its leaning in towards the middle of the car. aka. fucked axle. the right headlight was dangling. fender was ripped off and inner section was smashed against the wheel. and i just put new fucking tires on the car too....... 30+ a tire. plus the gas, and a giant thing of oil and filled that. windshield wiper fluid. just bled the breaks, added transmission fluid... all with in the last 2-3 weeks. and now i have nothing.
the car is in the tow place. cant even drive it.
meanwhile the old ass lady has been smiling this hole time. wearing scrubs so obviously she is a nurse. driving a nice ass car, 2009 or newer. jewelry and car interior suggests she has quite a bit of money. and we tried to explain to her we are homeless living in the car, no insurance, or anything. but the lady blows us off, calls her lawyer and car insurance and the cops.
so because i dont have insurance its MY fault that she was speeding 60 in a 45. and ran a redlight. and hit me. im sorry im too fucking poor to afford insurance. let alone scraping up change for gas just so we can go to job interviews....
meanwhile the firefighter that shows up knows my step dad and swears i should call him "he is so understanding man!!" and so he calls him himself, they chat for a bit. jim tells the guy he will fix my car (good luck on that happening...) and yeah. so on and so forth. then he asks me if i have a way to get anywhere or do anything. which of course not. and wants to speak to dude again. so i ended up having to ride with the tow guy to take my car way out to rossville. and stay there for a few hours. finally getting ahold of one of my friend's moms who came and got us. the snakes. the dogs. and a tote with most our belongings. take phillip to his interview. dunno how thats going to go, still no deffinate answer. but at least he went. phillip says the guy was very understanding about the car wreck and everything so hopefully...the guy will have some compassion...
meanwhile we are fucked. no car. no shelter. my mom has my son just like she wanted (oh yeah, did i mention she is changing her number because people keep calling her wanting to hire me?? and she is getting pissed about it and yet doesnt tell me when they call..). Still no schooling. my life... just might as well cross that off my list and be stuck with just a GED forever..never do anything with my life. work at mc donalds til im 78 years old...
god i fucking hate snobby old ladies...