Title: A Reason
Type: Drabble
luna_no_koibitoGenre: Angst, Romance
Warnings: none
Rating: PG
Pairing: Aoi / Kazuki
Bands: The GazettE, ScReW
Disclaimer: I don't own them, and don't wish I did because I'd be sorry for what could befall them (・_・;)!
Comment: Linked to the drabble
The Reason. This has Aoi's POV. This came to mind as I was listening to
Streets on Fire, by Lupe Fiasco do listen to it if you will while reading this.
A Reason
The enemy was still on the loose.
Once again, he'd failed.
Once again our hero has wasted an entire night,
and now he is ever so weak,
ever so unmotivated.
Night after night, he keeps loosing his focus,
keeps forgetting his true motive.
Everything is becoming darker and darker,
everything feels so pointless now,
and his sense of justice is painfully hitting wall after wall.
But people seem to care not, they weren't meant to anyways.
They all believe that heroes don't feel.
Heroes feel for you, take pain for you.
Heroes need to die for you.
Thus, like every morning,
he wears his true costume, and gets on that train.
ignoring the mad pushing and shoving,
the shit he accidentally steps on his way out of the station,
the car that almost ran him over as he tried to get to his workplace.
Those were all irrelevant, same as the fact that there was a villain still on the loose.
The real issue was that: he himself was beginning to not care anymore.
The feeling was getting stronger by the day.
The thought of permanently hiding himself in this costume,
was getting stronger and stronger as well,
it did, without fail, until he'd see him
“Good morning Shiroyama-san” he'd say,
always genuinely smiling, and the light kindled by that smile
would always clear some of the darkness; until the next morning.
Reason enough to perhaps waste another night.
AN: I love Lupe Fiasco, and this two drabbles came to be as I was listening to the song I mentioned in the comments. They just came out, and even though this stories are set in a Gotham city type of setting, I think that any situation in life can sort of make us feel hopeless in that way without having to have streets on fire! Lol Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed them both.
Much Love -LnK♥(~_^ )/-