Jul 02, 2011 11:11

HELLO EVERYBODY ... Hopw everyone is doing fine, and I am doing fine, HOT EXTREMELY HOT, but fine.
I here write to you today to introduce a new journal of mine:


icchatta_ne  which in Japanese means something very close to "Shit I said it ..." for the vulgar people like me or "Ooops I said it ..." for regular educated people not like me (LOL), is a journal I basically open to interact with YOU ALL in various ways. Mainly 3 
  • WORLD OF NEWS- In this section I'll be updating on world news I think should have some attention
  • WORLD OF ISSUES - In this section I will write about an issue that I think we continuously face (I will be detailed, cynic, stupid and sarcastic as usual in doing so) and we can all discuss about it
  • WORLD OF WORDS - Is a section in which I'll have every week suggested fan-fics from fandoms which is probably where all of you are going to go first (-_-" ).

I suppose some of you might have seen me going around leaving comments here and there, which brought you to my journal, and some of you have already added me, or commented on the articles so for that I thank you in advance and I will properly thank you as soon as I am done with THE WORLD OF ISSUES which ironically enough still has an issue but I'll soon fix it.

ANYWAY ... feel free to add, come and discuss and enjoy~!

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