Jul 03, 2009 07:26
Mommy's leaving us for the weekend. Hopefully Uncle Brian remembers to feed us.
You know what Mommy did yesterday? She LOCKED ME IN A BATHROOM CABINET FOREEEEVVVVVERRRRR. I don't know how long it was but it was right after we ate breakfast, and then she went wherever she goes during the daytime... and came back and STILL didn't let me out. What did I do to deserve such punishment?
I made as big of a mess as I could to show my displeasure. Though I did not "do my business" in there -- if I was gonna be hanging out in there for possibly days, I wanted it to be clean.
She finally came over and acted like she just then heard me scratching at the door trying to get out. And then she was all mushy and dopey, hugging me and begging for forgiveness. She claims it was an accident, that she thought my dorky brother was the only cat who had gone in there so she closed the door when he left. (They have these things on them that make them "baby proof" so I couldn't just push the doors open!) I don't know, she can be pretty mean sometimes... brushing us, even when we whine that it hurts when she gets to a knot... taking us to the torture chamber... picking us up and cuddling us against our will!
I might forgive her when she comes back. I'll have to mull that over. I'm pretty traumatized still. Never mind the fact that I just tried to go in there again when she had the door open this morning.
~ Snickers