You jump, I jump, right?

Nov 30, 2017 07:24

I can't believe it's been 20 years since Titanic. The James Cameron version, that is. I was soooo obsessed with this movie, omg. I saw it some obscene # of times in the theater... like 18 or 19 I think? (it helped that it was playing for 8 months... that doesn't happen with movies anymore!) And I had this log I kept of the date, time, and place where I saw each one, and whom I saw it with -- most of the time I was alone, but anyone I knew who wanted to go see it, I would go with. Then when I got the dvd I recorded those viewings, too. Unfortunately, this log is on a floppy disk and I can't access it anymore. It's no longer accurate, either, because I've watched the dvd since then. I think I printed out an early version, but damned if I know where I put it! I'm a paper hoarder; I have boxes and bins full of stuff like that.

I remember how excited I was when a friend presented me with the script. I suppose he found it on the internet somewhere, but that was all brand new to me back then -- I DO know where that is, because I put it in a nice binder :) It almost makes me want to reactivate my Facebook just long enough to thank him for that and see if he's like "wtf?" or if he remembers. ....almost, but naaaahhhhh.

The sad thing is, when I read about how it's returning to theatres... and to one fairly close to me... I feel like I don't even want to go see it. That I can just watch the dvd if I want to (and I haven't even watched it in years). I wish I was that same girl of 20 years ago. Even at the time, I was "too old" for such obsession and everyone thought I would outgrow that behavior... HA! Little did they know. Fangirl for life!

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