May 25, 2010 22:07
I know it's insane but I'm still reeling after the Lost finale. Two days later. I'm having obsessive thoughts and yet I'm avoiding reading stuff about it (I'm sure I'll go back and look at your reviews later)... only skimming my f-list, cuz seeing the Lost stuff popping up is making me NOT want to be on LJ at all right now. Wtf, self???
I'm so weird.
I think part of it is that I had a very personal overreaction to one story in particular.
I barely slept after watching the finale, I kept hearing the music and replaying things in my head... even after I'd doze off, I'd wake up still hearing & replaying. I want another hot Sawyer dream, damnit. Must re-watch! I was going to last night but practicality (and a nap) won out, and tonight was too busy... tomorrow night will also be too busy... it will have to be Thursday night then since I'm babysitting Friday and then I'm off to the mountains for the nice long weekend. Somehow I think re-watching will cure my strange aversion.
My masochistic e-stalking has died down considerably ("hi my name is Wendy and it's been 3 days since I last stalked"), but even so, I'm thinking this summer it will be even better for me than usual to get away once a month, get some nice crisp mountain air in my lungs and be far far away from a computer screen. Er... from the internet, at least (I'll be taking the laptop!).
I'll be a better LJ friend next week, I promise!
sometimes i pretend i'm a country girl