Today's the day!

May 23, 2010 07:33

I am soooooooooo excited about the Lost finale! How's it all going to end?

Even if it's a kick-ass awesome ending, I'll probably feel sad tomorrow that it's all over. How strange that there won't be a "next season" to look forward to.

I had a dream last night that someone spoiled something for me. Ha! It was regarding a character death. I'm afraid to mention it in case my subconscious picked up on something somewhere... I suppose if anyone cares I can say in the comments?

I'll be watching it next door with my bro and hopefully his roommate (not sure if he's caught up yet... you'd THINK so since the series finale is bound to get spoiled if you don't watch it right away!).

And after tonight, or perhaps over the next couple days, all you non-Lost fans will have the joy of never seeing posts about it on your f-list again. *sniffle*


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