this post brought to you by the letter C and the number 5

Sep 14, 2008 15:50

Name five fictional characters and why you like them -- their names must begin with your assigned letter. If you'd like to play, comment and I'll give you a letter!

matchgirl42 gave me C. I just noticed I picked all but one "Ch" name. Huh. My continuing obsession with Party of Five, let me show you it. I'm gonna include images too, because I'm a dork like that, so I'll cut it for your f-list viewing pleasure. Alphabetical order ftw:

1. Charlie Salinger, Party of Five. Portrayed by Matthew Fox.
The "patriarch" of the Salinger clan due to him being the oldest sibling. When the show began in 1994, the kids were 24, 16, 15, 11, and 1. Charlie is one of those characters who was older than me when I began watching the show, and now that I'm looking back he still seems older to current!me, even though 1994!Charlie is 10 years my junior. He's not a model parent by any means -- that's partly the premise of the show. But his mistakes endear him to me. And Charlie/Kirsten was my OTP before I knew what OTPs were!

In the picture on the left, he sports his long Season 1 hair. It's very 90s but I love it! I think the picture on the right might be more recent -- he looks older than he ever was on the show. Hmmm.

2. Chelsea Brady, Days of Our Lives. Portrayed by Rachel Melvin.
I liked her before everyone else did, so :P to all the bandwagoners who like her now! Bwah! Hehe. I liked her when she was a bratty troublemaking little bitch. Partly because she amused me, partly because it was perfectly normal for her to lash out at everyone the way she did due to everything that had happened to her, partly because I saw such great potential in the character... and Rachel Melvin is just so adorable! The guy in the picture is her sweet nerdy ex-boyfriend, whom she hopefully finds her way back to. She pretty much royally messed things up with him but I bet he forgives her. How could he not? She's adorable! (and she's a lot less bitchy nowadays too)

3. Cher Horowitz, Clueless. Portrayed by Alicia Silverstone.
I have a soft spot for whiny characters, what can I say? Yes, she's a naive, spoiled, way-too-gorgeous rich kid, but her heart is in the right place (mostly). And her whining is just so cute -- how could anyone resist her? OMG she's a Mary Sue, isn't she! I love her dad's scrutinizing of the outfit in this picture -- "It looks like underwear!" Heeee. That line always makes me gigglesnort.

4. Christian, Moulin Rouge!. Portrayed by Ewan McGregor.
A dashing, romantic, gorgeous, talented, passionate, singing poet = *SWOOOOON!* Need I say more?

5. Claudia Salinger, Party of Five. Portrayed by Lacey Chabert.
I like this then-and-now photo (er, actually then-and-then by now, heh). She is the one who grew up the most on the show, unless you count baby Owen, who had two actors portraying him (or three maybe if they used twins when he was really little? I know shows do that a lot). It was like watching a kid sister grow up, except, you know, not really cuz it's just TV. Heh. She was the little nerd in the beginning. Her emo scenes in Season 3 always get to me, and this time the stuff in Season 4 reeeeeeeally got to me (maybe just due to my extra-emo-ness of late) -- I just really relate to her and feel overly protective of her. Speaking of protectiveness... the "sexy" photo shoots Lacey's done since the show went off the air kinda bug me! She's the LITTLE girl, she can't be sexy!

~ ~ ~

And for a little more recent nostalgia... this was me a year ago. Soooo excited. I feel like I'll never be that excited about anything ever again. :( How pathetic.


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