Augie Augie Augie! Oy oy oy!

Sep 13, 2008 22:28

I did something new at the ballpark today -- I watched the game from a suite! My mom got tickets to the Gila River suite since she gambles so much at their casino ♥ It was niiiiiice. It had a cozy lounge area with HD TVs all over, a bar, a yummy all-you-can-eat buffet (with gourmet mac'n'cheese! That stuff was orgasmic!)... the seats were padded, a bit wider, and offered a LOT more leg room. TVs so we could watch replays (the game wasn't televised here tonight, but they put on the Ohio feed). Private bathroom. Little lockers to keep our stuff in so we could roam about freely. Staff guys to kiss our asses and make us feel important. It was just nice and secluded and cozy. Need to find rich friends so I can sit up there all the time! ;)

The game itself was exciting (Dbacks/Reds), extra innings even... but the ending sucked. The pitcher we just barely traded to the Reds was sent up to pinch hit (yes, a pitcher who is a good hitter!) and that was the go-ahead run in the 10th inning. *sigh* I'm afraid we've completely blown our playoff chances. (Though, darkp_hawk, we're not even close to being eliminated mathematically yet :P)

I looked for you, bullpenbrat22, but we were on the 3rd base side and it was hard to read the numbers across the way... I thought maybe they'd show you on dbTV with a Jeff Salazar sign at the end there, but he wasn't up long enough! :(


In other news... why am I dreaming about scary Stockholm Syndrome-esque things?

baseball, i dream of crack

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