The post in which I babble about The Clone Wars

Aug 19, 2008 11:32

All right, I’ll babble about The Clone Wars a bit. Don’t read this if you don’t want to know ANYthing - I’ll put my general thoughts above the cut so you don’t have to click on it to see that :)

I did enjoy the movie, it was fast-paced and entertaining, and it resembled Star Wars enough to make me excited. Bad dialogue and all! It certainly isn’t going to appeal to everyone. The casual fan probably wouldn’t like it, and I’m sure certain diehard fans wouldn’t either (I won’t even get into the whole PT vs. OT thing… it’s ALL STAR WARS, people! It’s okay to love all of it!) I liked it...I’m still not sold on Ahsoka, though. (Sorry, jedi_em!) I’m biased, though, due to my roleplaying an original character as Anakin’s padawan, and she’s quite different from Ahsoka!

Yes, Ahsoka is cute and spunky, and not nearly as annoying as she could have been, but I thought she talked back to Anakin way too much. Especially in front of the clone troopers. There’s teenage snark and then there’s just flat out disrespect! I wanted to smack her.

I don’t get the whole age thing either. The whole "you’re too young to be a padawan" - I thought maybe it was because of her size, but then there was the bit about how she feels she has to prove she’s old enough to be a padawan… um, hello, isn’t she supposed to be 14? And aren’t padawans normally chosen from age 10-13 or something like that? I’m not sure of the minimum age but I remember 13 was the oldest, because Obi-Wan was stressing about being shipped off to the AgriCorps for being too old. But I guess that’s EU so it’s not canon? Shame on me for believing in the EU! Heh.

I like that she made some mistakes, she damn well SHOULD, new as she is to battle. But even so, she’s still rather Mary Sue-ish -- saving Anakin’s life a couple times right off the bat just strikes me as too perfect. Couldn't Anakin have saved himself, really? Of course he could, he's TEH GREATEST JEDI EVAR.

I felt like the rapport between her and Anakin was a bit too forced. Seems like they should have been at odds through the whole movie. I don’t like their nicknames for each other. I don’t like how quickly Anakin accepted her. This might just be my bias, I don’t know. Heh.

I suppose I don’t mind her calling Artoo “Artooy.” She’s a kid, she’s allowed such silliness. But she shouldn’t call Anakin anything other than Master, dangit. Anyway, I do generally like teenage characters, so it seems like I should like her more than I do. Maybe I wanted her to be whinier? The know-it-all-ness is okay, if she were a normal teenager, but it seems to me that a Jedi youngling would have been taught about being humble early on, no?

The little Huttlet was SO ADORABLE. I was expecting a bratty little kid but Rotta was just a baby! Soooo cute! I wonder what happens to him… funny how we never see him all grown up in the OT. Hehe.

And Jabba’s uncle (Zero? Ziro?) was a riot! I’d like to see more of him. More of Coruscant in general.

Obi-Wan’s tea party was cute. He’s so gay :) I had already heard about his “my darling” to Ventress… that felt a little odd to me, though. I can’t picture Ewan saying it. I liked him chasing after Anakin “cleaning up Anakin’s messes” - that seemed reasonably in character to me.

And Padmé… dang, they really slutted up her outfit! I’m pretty sure Natalie Portman’s ass didn’t look like that in the white suit. LOL But I like that she and Threepio were involved in the plot.

I liked seeing more of the clones’ personalities showing through. And the droids had some funny moments. Funny in a stupid-funny sort of way… but they made me snort!

The music was cool. More modern. I love the classic stuff too, of course, but it’s nice to hear a refreshing new take on it.

And the battle scenes made me long to play Battlefront (like this droideka icon does!).

I didn’t like that Anakin faced Dooku. NO NO NO NO he’s not supposed to see him in between AotC and RotS! That takes away from the “my powers have doubled since we last met” a bit. I suppose it could still be true, but Anakin’s already a knight here, it doesn’t make as much sense.

I didn’t like Ahsoka’s “this is where the fun begins” line either. So now in RotS we’re supposed to think Anakin says it because his padawan did? Eww.

I think I’ve complained about more things than I praised…but I did enjoy it, really! The TV series should be fun to watch. I’d like to see them develop the minor characters a bit more.

I hear that people who didn’t like it are saying “At least it’s better than the holiday special” - can you believe I still haven’t seen that? Jeeeeez I must not be a true fan!

And now I must get back to work and save the internet-y funtimes for later!

star wars

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