~I saw the ocean meet the man, I saw you buried in the sand~

Aug 18, 2008 23:36

I was finally able to give blood Friday, the first time in a year that they didn't reject me, yaaay! I bet it's because I've been eating somewhat healthier.

Hemoglobin: 12.3 in right (.2 too low), retest in left was 13.1, w00t! First time the retest has led to me not being rejected.
Blood pressure: 82 over 58. This is apparently so low I should be dead. Hee!
Pulse: 68
Temp: 98.5
Weight: Er...about the same as last time.

I got tagged by the ever-so-tag-happy lela_s. I know I've done a version of this before, but these questions are different so I'll bite. I'm only posting it now because I filled out everything when I was offline. Too tired to think now!

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag eight people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

I'm going to be lame and not tag anyone this time. If you're thinking "whew!" then don't do the meme. If you're thinking "darn!" then please do it ^_^ -- or, you know, if you're just bored. And I just have to change at least one question, since I can!

1. What are your reasons for having a LJ?
It's fun talking to people here. I had no idea when I started it that I would meet so many interesting people! I also keep a regular journal, so I don't usually feel the need to spew emo all over my LJ.

2. Vices?
Alcohol. Sweets. Junk food. Shaving my legs too much. Falling in love with cats too easily. Star Wars. Cheesy Lifetime movies.

3. What would you do with a million dollars?
OMG. What wouldn't I do! I'd pay off everything ever and quit my job (would still give notice, though). I'd share a lot of it so I imagine I'd be pretty popular. Y'all know I like to "buy my friends." Start kissing up to me now, in case I happen to become a millionaire someday. I guess I'd have to invest some so I wouldn't spend it all. Hee.

4. Favorite Star Wars character?
Anakin Skywalker ♥

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Definitely introvert. Though I can be friendly and sociable in a group of strangers if I'm in the mood for it.

6. What are five things that made you happy lately?
-helping my grandma
-not getting rejected for blood donation
-my kitties
-fresh mountain air combined with blissful carefree solitude

7. Do you trust easily?
To a point. There are a few walls that no one can climb over or bust through, but before you get to that it's pretty much nothing but open fields. Heeeee, I'm so poetic.

8. What is your earliest memory?
It's hard to say. I have some vague memories of our house in New Jersey, so I would have been no older than 4. I remember being traumatized by a caterpillar getting on my clothes somehow and crawling up my arm. I think I screamed but I'm not sure. My mom just picked it off me and... I don't know what she did with it, put it down the drain maybe? We were in the kitchen. I remember thinking it would crawl up to my face and into my mouth and OH GOD THAT WOULD BE THE WORST THING EVAR.

9. Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?
Yes. >.>

10. What is your best quality?
I'm organized.

11. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Mac'n'cheese. It would take me a long time to get tired of it.

12. What are you in 5 years?
Me. Unless I'm dead, then I'll be a pile of ash.

13. Do you have any weird talents?
No, sorry.

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
She's a fun fangirly spaz!

15. Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor?
Single and rich. DUH. Unless you give me more information, that's the easy answer. Don't get me started on the whole "why Wendy can't get married" thing.

16. Name a food that you absolutely hate.
MUSHROOMS. The slimy little fuckers.

17. What's better, to give or receive?
Depends on what you're talkin' about ;)

18. What is your oldest userpic and why has it survived when you delete the others?

Because it's Hayden. And Hayden's nipple. Can.Not.Delete.

19. What would you do if you (or your girlfriend) became pregnant unexpectedly?
Ooooo. I'd be pregnant with a Chosen One! I'd have to get rich off of it somehow!

20. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, only lust at first sight.

21. How many questions did you change in this meme?
Only two ^_^ not counting a few grammatical corrections.

I saw The Clone Wars, I think I'll eventually comment on other people's posts instead of making my own post about it. Unless there's an f-list uproar over this. LOL

The Harry Potter widget in my profile no longer shows the correct number of days 'til HBP comes out :( Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa

meme, blood, harry potter, star wars

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