
May 08, 2008 14:39

Hey peeps! I'm wondering if any of you out in Internet Lands that possibly have too much time on their hands, want to 'work' for me? :D

My offer of pay would be subdomain space off my website if you want it. Or similar stuff along that lines. Help you with your site if you need it, even. (I'm not superawesome, but my brother is a computer programmer, and I use wordpad for all my site-makingness)

The job is to be my comic-bufferman. See, for those not in the know, I have 2 dorky little webcomics. But ironically, I'm really lazy.

I have no problem working on the comics and uploading them. I just don't always have the drive to go and actually update the site EVERYDAY (or however often I intend to do it at the time). It's not like it's even that complicated.

Anyways, if anyone would be interested, it's a VERY simple job. You know how to use LJ? You'll have the skills to do this job.

I use PHP, and have 2 text files. Comic.txt and Buffer.txt. Comic.txt is what the site pulls from to see all the comics in my archive, so it's just a list from oldest to newest of all the comics. Buffer.txt is just a list for me, so when it's time to update, I just move the top line from that file to the bottom of comic.txt

I even use wordpress (a blogging program) that I can log into and edit those 2 files directly. No FTP or anything.

Basically what you'd do is log into the blog, go to the file edit and pick buffer.txt. copy/paste/delete the top line from that list, and then add it to the bottom of the comic.txt list. very simple. Just try and do it however often it is we decide to update my site. I'm flexible with my schedule so if you'd only be willing to do this kind of job certain days I'll let those be my update schedule days.

www.weaseljuice.com is my website (www.weaseljuice.com/amonic/ is the 2nd webcomic). I did most of it all on my own, although my brother helped me find the right php codes to use.

If you're interested in the position but are confused slightly by my explanation, I can even do a screenshot-diagraph of how to do it all. It's all very simple :D
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