Age (13 or up; we stick to LJ rules):14
Where did you hear about this community? (Please tell us which
lj user recommended you for he/she shall be given a point.) Another
rating community,
animated_beauty How much time are you willing to invest in this community?
I'll probably sort for other students...I can read questions,
answer and ask them, but I doubt I'll have time for any serious
debating. I can give what time I have, but please don't get angry
with me if it doesn't turn out to be alot. But, really, I can get
pretty obsessive about things I love, and if this community goes well
with me, I can be pretty devoted. I have other commitments online,
but I'm willing to give some of them up if I need to. This really
seems like a wonderful community, and I would simply love to be a
part of it if I can.
PART 1 - Canon
1. Have you read all books? Of course, more than once. I'm working on
reading them backwards right now...
2. Give us your personal interpretation of each Hogwarts house (in
terms of atmosphere, mentality, intra-house relationships et cetera -
these are just a few examples).
Oh dear. The ominous House question. *Sighs* Well, I'll do my best. =)
Gryffindor - They generally seem to be daring, bold, and more
reckless students. Sure, Parvati and Lavendar aren't exactly what
you'd call "daring" and Hermione isn't exactly known for being
"reckless" but more or less this House represents leaders, and
risk-takers. Speaking of leaders, there are alot of them in this
house, so they might contradict one another often. The famous
Marauders are pretty much classic examples of Gryffindors, with James
and Sirius never hesitating to break the rules. Lupin showcases the
other side of Gryffindors, the ones that tend think more before they
act, but are nonetheless loyal to their fellows. Harry takes after
them in recklessness, as I'm sure everyone knows. They tend to be
brazen and eager to proove themselves. They don't back down on their
opinions, even if evidence is glaring them in the face that they're
wrong. I kind of respect that quality, even though it's probably not
one of the better ones, as I'm prone to doing the same thing.
They're loyal to their friends, and probably wouldn't believe it
if some terrible rumor was spread about one of them. Ron is the most
classic example of a best friend (in fact, all the Weasleys are),
which makes him a wonderful example of what Gryffindors think of
friendship. Of course he's been jealous of Harry before, but he
quickly forgave him.
Ravenclaw - The logical, stand-offish, quiet students. Of course,
like the Gryffindors, not every Ravenclaw fits the stero-type. It's
commonly accepted that Ravenclaws love learning, though, and are very
clever. They are probably the most studious house, but of course they
have lives outside of their books as well! Cho Chang is a very
popular girl, and she's also a Ravenclaw. That in itself shows there
is more to being smart than camping out in the library, and that
Ravenclaws can care about people as well as their test scores. Luna
Lovegood is another Ravenclaw that we've been introduced to, though
she's not nearly as popular as Cho. Luna doesn't fit the general
Ravenclaw stero-type at all, as she's a little bit out there. She's
obviously smart, though she's a bit a bit of a loner. She's more the
opposite of Cho, which shows you how broad the spectrum of Ravenclaws
Hufflepuff - The understanding, kind, hardworking students of course!
The Hufflepuffs in The Chamber of Secrets all banded together
against Harry, they all agreed with each other and stood against him.
They were willing to forgive him later, though, which is a good
example of Hufflepuffness in my opinion. Just picture Hannah Abbott
with her blonde pigtales. She's the very image of someone who would
rush towards you when you've fallen off you're broomstick, pop a
band-aide (ok, fine, maybe they don't have band-aides in the
wizarding world, but you know what I mean) on your forehead, and tell
you everything's gonna be alright. Hufflepuffs (like any other normal
person) can't possibly be upbeat and caring 24/7, though, which
brings us back to The Chamber of Secrets. They're not so
trusting that they will let themselves be made fools of, but they're
not so full of pride that they won't admit when they made a mistake.
Slytherin - Draco Malfoy is by far the Slytherin that most of us
think of. He's the one that has given them all the "cruel, rich, and
spoiled" brand. Of course, alot of Slytherins are just that, but it's
really only because they know exactly what they want. They would
rather have a reason to befriend you rather than just befriending you
for the sake of it. Slytherins know how to get what they want, and
they don't really need to be your friend. They think more
before they act and hate to make mistakes. The Slytherins all tend to
band together in their cause (though their cause is usually always of
benefit to them), and are very true to themselves and their families.
If you make a Slytherin angry enough, though, they may not find a
reason good enough to forgive you, and you could find yourself
crossed off the family tree. Slytherins have a less than satisfactory
reputation, though, as it's been said multiple times that not one of
them came out fighting for the light side
...the thing that strikes me about Slytherins, though, is their
great ambition. The Sorting Hat itself said that. Nothing's wrong at
all with ambition, it's just that Slytherins are so ambitious
it seems almost to the point of...well, ruthlessness. And we've also
seen some scenes in the classes, and out in hallways (I'm trying not
to use the Harry prejudice here) where Slytherins have been just
plain cold. They've made anti-Potter badges, openly teased multiple
students, snuck information to Rita Skeeter, just to name a few.
3. What would be your favourite flavour of Bertie Bott’s Every
Flavour Beans and why (note: as the name implies, all possible flavours
Frozen Blackberry peach! I adore fruit, particurally
blackberries and peaches. They're fruity and have a lasting flavour.
It's a strong, bold taste, and you know when you've had it. It'd be a
hard taste to forget. I'd like it to be frozen, as that adds a whole
new dimension to an already great flavour. Frozen things are
wonderful treats if you eat them correctly, but can give you brain
freeze if you down them too fast.
4. If you were on your House’s Quidditch Team, which position would
you preferably play and why?
Chaser. I don't know why exactly, but Chaser always appealed to me.
Seekers have so much pressure on them, as do Keepers. When youre a
Chaser, people don't shout as much if you mess up, and you always
have back up. You still have a major role in the game, though, but I
suppose you don't have to focus quite as much as there are two other
people to help you out. I also have a tendancy to back away from
people when their problems get too hard for me to handle, so being a
chaser I could always throw the ball to someone else. Of course,
being a chaser you can keep yourself open and ready to help out your
teammates when they need you. You have a certain amount of commitment
that makes it worth playing, but not so much that's it's overwhelming.
5. (Optional) What HP conspiracy theory do you hold true unless it
is textually proven otherwise? (i.e. Snape is a vampire, Ron is
Dumbledore, etc. -there are loads of these theories. Feel free to contribute
your own)?
I can't really support a conspiracy theory, none of them really have
enough evidence (in my opinion) to convince me. Most off them are
just way out of the stratosphere.
6. (Optional. If you can't answer #5, make sure you answer this
one.) What is your favorite book aside from HP and why?
I really can't just pick one favorite, I'm an avid reader and have
lots of favorites =P. Gone With the Wind is one of them. I
love classic novels and movies, and I particuarly love the story of
Scarlett O'Hara, because she's such a strong person. She started off
rich and spoiled but when everything was taken from her in The Civil
War she could still survive. She knew exactly how to get her way, and
refused to give up even when others discouraged her.
I also love Doomed Queen Anne, which is another story about a
strong woman. I admire Anne Boleyn for so many reasons. She was
strong, intelligent, fearless, and ambitious. She came from the
ambitious family in the entire Court, and even they abandoned her
goal of becoming queen. Her own father discouraged her, but she
stayed steady. She was hated by the Court, her family, and the very
people of England for her stubborness, and called a witch because she
could always convince King Henry to do things her way. It was because
of this one woman that an entire religion was thrown out of a
country. Of course, she got her head chopped off in the end, but boy
was her life remembered.
7. What would your Room of Requirement look like?
Apart from it looking exactly like Hagrid's would most
definatly be something flexible, that I would be able to appreciate
no matter what mood I was in (well, duh Carolyn, it's a room of
requirement). I can see it as a paradise in ruin. Perhaps it
was once a big beautiful castle, but now it's fallen to the hands of
the jungle. Bridges overrun with ivy, staircases turned into
waterfalls, tall collumns cracked and broken with vines twisting
their way around them. Tall, 20-foot celings have been taken over by
bright tropical flowers, and the windows have been broken out by
winds. There's a sad feeling about the place when you first see it,
like it was once something so tall and beautiful, but now it's in
complete disarray. Once you get a better look at it, though, you
notice that's it's still gorgeous, it's just different. Because of
the changes, maybe it's even better than it was before.
8. Describe your wand and tell us why you picked that design.
My wand is 12 inches, mahogany wood, dragon heartstring. I picked
the length, as longer wands are easier to handle, and feel more
comfortable in your hand (ar at least to me they do). Also, their
length is proportional to your height, and 12 inches is pretty
average. Mahogany wood is strong and beautiful with all different
shades of red. It's very hard to get two mahogany wands of the exact
same color. Every wand is an idividual, and stands out from the rest.
It's also supposedly good for transfiguration, one of my would-be
favorite classes. The dragon heartstring also seems like a strong and
powerful core to me. Dragons are obviously powerful animals, and the
heart is what keeps them alive (physically, at least). Having a main
part of a dragon's life force inside of your wand seems like the
makings of some powerful magic to me.
PART 2 - You
Please go here
and fill out the short Myers-Briggs test.
9. Paste the URL of your results (TOP 5) including its description
Your #1 Match: ISTJ The Duty Fulfiller
You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done.
You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knittings.
Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.
Conservative and down-to-earth, you hardly ever do anything crazy.
You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.
Your #2 Match: ISTP The Mechanic
You are calm and collected, even in the most difficult of situations.
A person of action and self-direction, you love being independent.
To outsiders you seem impulsive, surprising, and unpredictable.
You are good at understanding how all things work, except for people.
You would make an excellent pilot, forensic pathologist, or athlete.
Your #3 Match: ESTJ The Guardian
You're a natural leader and quick, logical decision maker.
Goals are important in your life, and you take many steps to acheive them.
You enjoy interacting with others, mostly through work related activities.
Your high energy level means you are great at getting things done!
You would make a great teacher, judge, or police detective.
Your #4 Match: ESTP The Doer
You are adventurous and risk taking. You act first, think second.
You love being the center of attention. Chances are you were the class clown.
Competitive, charming, and charasmatic - you have your own code of honor.
You live a flexible life, bouncing between a series of activies that
interest you.
You would make a great salesperson, marketing director, or entrepreneur.
Your #5 Match: INTJ The Scientist
You have a head for ideas - and you are good at improving systems.
Logical and strategic, you prefer for everything in your life to be organized.
You tend to be a bit skeptical. You're both critical of yourself and
of others.
Independent and stubborn, you tend to only befriend those who are a
lot like you.
You would make an excellent scientist, engineer, or programmer.
10. Who is your role model and why?
(I'm going to leave this part the same as my last survey, as I was
told that it was good...)
That's hard...I guess Queen Elizabeth I. She was a strong, smart
woman who didn't need anyone to tell her what to do. I admire her
steadfastness and determination. She never married, and her mother
was Anne Boleyn, another strong and cunning woman I admire. I respect
these traits in her, as I want to be able to stand by myself. I hate
it when people try to get me to talk about my problems, and then try
to dump theirs on me. I'd much rather try to work things out by
myself. Frankly, at this point in my life I'm not looking forward to
marriage. I can't really stand small children (mainly because they're
so helpess and demand attention), and marriage would just tie me
down. I want to be able to go anywhere I want and do things before
I'm forced to settle down. I admire steadfastness because it's the
opposite of wishy-washy. Elizabeth was also well remembered and loved
by her people because she treated them fairly and listened to them.
She improved England in more ways then one,
and didn't let the decietfulness of court get to her like the kings
and queens before her.
11. What would you like to have accomplished at the end of your
Having seen as many places as I could and been happy. I'd like to
learn as much as I can, and know lots of people. When I die, I want
people to remember and miss me. There's so much to see outside of my
own backyard, and I could never be satisfied knowing that I could
have seen and done more. I would bring a camera with me, and record
my expierences. I would want to pass them on to other people, in
hopes that I could inspire them to live the best and fullest life
that they possibly could. I want to learn other languages, and about
other cultures. I could never be happy just living in my own little
box in my own little corner of the world. Sure, the people there
might know and understand me, and by leaving it I could be opening
myself to all kinds of disappointment, but I couldn't stand not
knowing what might have been. What might have happened if I tried a
little harder, how would my life be different if I hand hung on a
moment longer? I want to be on my dying bed having no r
egrets, knowing that I did the best I could, that I made an impact
on someone's life, and that I'll be missed and loved by those around
12. Would you sooner commit a crime against your kin or your
I can't really choose, I'd say countrymen as a guess. I would
prefer not to commit a crime against either of them. If I was forced
to choose, I would say countrymen becuase my kin have deeper roots. I
feel more loyal to them because my blood runs longer and deeper than
the soil I'm currently on. My family should always be there with me,
no matter what happens they will always be my family and I can't
change my blood. My countrymen may not always be my countrymen, my
neighbor may not always be my neighbor, my friend may not always be
my friend. But my blood will always be mine, and I feel more loyal to
it because it's one of the most constant things your life can have.
13. What would your animagus be and why?
I don't know really, I'd love to be an animagus, but I don't know if
there is one animal that exactly fits my personality. I would love to
think of myself as a clever fox, but I know I'm not exactly. I would
love to think of myself as a respectable owl, but I doubt I fit it
perfectly either. I'd also love to be an elegant swan, but I'm sure
I'm not 100% that! I can see lots of different traits in me, but I
can't really just pick one animal to form to myself. Maybe one day I
will find my animagus, but as of now I'll just have to keep being who
am I.
14. What would your patronus be and why?
A lioness (nothing to do with Gryffindor). They are strong, respected
animals and I think would be wonderful protectors. I think lions are
gorgeous animals, and I can just picture a silver one darting out in
front of me... They are loyal, and caring to those who care for them.
If you get on the wrong side of a lion, they'd be sure to strike
back. That's why I'd want to have a lion fighting for me, a patronous
who really wants to be there with you is the best kind. Lionesses are
pretty independant creatures...hey, maybe they'd be a good animagus!
Ok, I'm going off topic now.
15. What career would you consider if you were indeed part of the
wizarding world and why?
I don't know really...I'd love teaching charms, as that really seems
like a wonderful subject (would be my favorite, and teaching in
general is great), but it'd probably be a hard position to get. I
might like working in the Department of Magical Accidents and
Catastrophies, Muggle Worthy Excuses devision. That seems like a fun
job, getting to make up crazy stories all day. =) I'd love to have a
job that's really fun, I don't care too much for money. As long as
youre happy, I don't think it matters too much. Just like Mr.
Weasley, status and cash don't really mean a whole lot in my opinion
if you're alone with them.
This here is the note that belongs at the beginning of the survey,
but I don't want to scare anyone off so it's going down here. =)
Ok, I'm only reappling here for one reason. Five members were very
nice to me (and one threatened to hunt me down and eat me if I didn't
reapply =P). Only five. Don't take this the wrong way, you guys, but
I felt very threatened by the community the first time I applied.
It's not because I was squibbed (I was fine with that), but because I
was made to feel that my opinions were not good or original enough
for you. Frankly, I don't think it should matter if I agree with
Harry or not. The way some talked to me, I wouldn't be surprised if
they rejected Harry himself for his opinions. I was also cautioned
not to join by one of my good friends who also applied here, and was
treated poorly by existing members. If you don't want me here, that's
fine, but I don't appreciate people down-talking me for my opinions
on the houses, or getting angry with me because I didn't understand
what they were looking for. Rule Number 8 stands out in my mind... If
you take any offense this this litt
le "pre-note" then, please, kindly just say you have to squib me
again, I might not fit into the community, or something like that. If
you write out a long list of reasons as to why I've offended you, I'm
the type of person that is just going to reply back with a list just
as long explaining why I did what I did. I'm just trying to protect
myself here, as I'm tired of people tearing me up. I'm a structured
person who takes things at face-value. That's just who I am, so if my
House descriptions don't suit you (as they seemed to create so much
controvercy last time), I beg you to not put so much weight on them.
My entire person is not based off why I think Ravenclaw likes to
read, or why Harry doesn't favor Slytherin. If you still can't get
anything from me, I will not be angry if you choose to squib me. I
will certainly not be angry if you choose to tell me why you did so
(in fact, I will appreciate it). I will be angry, however, if you
insult me.
I thank you whole-heartedly for taking time to read this note and my
application. I thank you in advance for attempting to sort me, I
really do appreciate it. *Smiles*
Hopefully yours,
LumosLight (Carolyn)
And here's the second part of the "letter", which goes at the end of
the application.
And now is where I make my post-note to win you all back from the
bitter pre- one I made earlier. I hope that none of you are too mad
at me, I understand that you're very protective of all the hard work
you've put into the community. I know that I would be relunctant to
allow in some random member who slopped a survey together, but
doesn't really care for the community. I don't want to be a 'random
member' to you, I don't want to be one of the ones who just come in
here and treat this place like a quiz just to see which House they're
in. There are plenty of other communities if that's what you're
looking for. I understand that you've put alot of work into this
place to make it what it is and I have alot of respect for that. Your
comments are always very thoughtful, and this survey was very
thought-provoking. I worked on this one for quite some time, trying
to come up with "up to par" answers for you. You don't deserve to
have your time wasted by people who can't respect you
or this community, and I certainly hope I haven't done that. I
appreciate you taking the time to read all this from me, and I
sincerely hope that I can be sorted and invest some good time into
this community. I'm a rather defensive person, but I'm really much
nicer once I know you and you know me. *Smiles*
Hopefully Yours Again,
LumosLight (Carolyn)