Nov 20, 2005 12:20
"...the natural world possess[es] an old dreaming wisdom, deeper and more subtle than human knowledge. We're arrogant believe our few thousands years of technology, our few hundreds of years of science, could be wiser than the wisdom embedded in the systems this planet has dreamed up on its own over billions of years.
"Wilderness is the great uncosciousness where the world dreams...Conscious creatures desperately need that. If we don't dream we don't learn. Evolution is life's long, unconscious learning. To [actively] wipe out species is to end learning. We've been burning the classrooms and killing the students for a long time."
"The world is a given...Even death. All science and engineering have been reverse engineering, when you think about it. Just trying to figure out how it's all put together, how it all works. Maybe the goal of the mind is to engineer an escape from the mortal technology of the body. The way the nervous system and the immune system are hooked up together in the same network...maybe consciousness itself is a sort of super immune system, trying to develop immunity to mortality. Maybe in the end death does not conquer consciousness; consciousness conquers death."
~better angels, by howard v. hendrix