❧ Whispers From Different Worlds

Jun 05, 2011 17:18

[any and all conversations being held on the CATs suddenly cease all at once, and in the next instant, a little alarm begins to sound. none of the townspeople appear fazed by the strange happening, writing if off as yet another malfunction that has plagued the communications systems in town for the past week ( Read more... )

*plot: everything you know is wrong, *fourth wall, *plot: whispers from different worlds, !mod, *plot supplement, #season two

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jackalpi June 6 2011, 01:03:34 UTC
[There's a young man fiddling with the CAT he's received, and as it clicks on, he pulls back with a rather triumphant look on his face.]

Ah, success! Take that, mysterious device, for you are as nothing when faced with the skill of the...

[He blinks, realizing that there is someone transmitting, and breaks off from finishing the rest of his speech.]

Oh! You have my apologies, fair one, for failing to notice your presence previously. Gracious greetings! I am the Jackal. How might I be of assistance?


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jackalpi June 7 2011, 01:11:59 UTC
Have I...? Well, that is a most interesting quandry. I don't seem to remember actually leaving Port Charles. In fact, I still seem to be here at Casa De Stone Cold, about to embark on investigations for my latest case.

However, I have found myself in possession of this device -- I believe it is called a CAT, if my perusal of the instructions is correct. And as I have no way of knowing how or why it was deposited here in my residence at this time, I can only surmise that someone placed it here. It is entirely possible that someone may have gone to the trouble of recreating Stone Cold's living room and placing the item in it, but it sounds to be a far-fetched tale.

Where might you be, if I might be so bold as to ask?


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jackalpi June 8 2011, 04:40:35 UTC
I am a private investigator -- and newly published author, as well. In fact, you could say that my cases are the inspiration, as it were, for stories of intrigue and mystery most sublime.

[As for his home? The room behind Spinelli shows an elegantly decorated penthouse apartment, but while not too dissimilar in terms of style to the townhouses of Luministi, the furniture and layout are all wrong. The self-proclaimed Jackal is sitting on a dark brown sofa, a laptop set up in front of him, and a glimpse of stairs leading up can be seen to his left.]

Oh, most assuredly. While the Jackal's life is often enriched by travels to various locales, there has been no such departure from my abode recently. [There is an eager light in his eyes, however, and he leans in, addressing her with a barely disguised excitement in his voice.]

But have I heard you correctly, that you were brought to this place against your will? Perhaps my partner and I might be able to aid you, if you are able to divulge the particulars of your plight.


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jackalpi June 11 2011, 08:05:57 UTC
[In Spinelli's case it's more that he's just a bit eccentric in his choice of speech pattern. He's actually quite sincere about his offer to help. He's tickled pink by the idea of being likened to a wizard, though - and briefly laughs in a rather, well, geeky sounding sort of way.]

Not in the traditional sense, but I am the assassin of the internet - the ace of cyberspace, as it were. There is not a firewall I am unable to breach or a program I cannot defeat with the aid of my trusty laptop and my own cyber skills. I am quite willing to provide you and the others with my assistance however I can. If there is a way to find your location and effect an escape, oh hijacked one, I am certain I can find it.


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jackalpi June 15 2011, 23:54:18 UTC
[Why does she seem so surprised by that?] Oh! I see where that may cause some confusion. I am not an assassin in the traditional sense, of course. That line of work is better left to people such as Stone Cold.

[Okay, so technically Jason Morgan is a mob enforcer and not an assassin, but it's a similar enough comparison that it works for the moment.] No, I refer to my ability to work with things electronic. The Jackal is, most unfortunately, not as gifted when it comes to using the tools of a more manly persuasion.

[In fact, he is so bad with guns he once shot himself in the foot, but it's not something he cares to relive right now.]


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jackalpi June 23 2011, 04:06:02 UTC
Yes, although my specialty is with computers, there are many such instruments that I am capable of operating. Cameras, listening devices, video recorders and other items of a like kind - anything, truly, that would come in handy for one such as myself.

[He lifts a finger, waggling it for emphasis as he continues.] A good private investigator should have many tools at his disposal to aid in his endeavors, after all, and surveillance equipment is often key to finding information that our clients request.

Now, have I assuaged your fears as to my ability to render assistance, or are there other questions that you have in regards to this matter? If you do, pray speak them and I shall be most happy to answer.


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jackalpi June 27 2011, 02:00:00 UTC
[He waves a hand dismissively, but looks rather pleased nevertheless.] Think nothing of it. Perhaps the fates will be kind and provide assistance as well, but I will do my utmost to find your location and secure your release regardless.

However, there still remains the question of how you came to be in this town in the first place. Can you tell me what you remember of your arrival?


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jackalpi June 29 2011, 05:46:02 UTC
[Spinelli nods, and flips open his laptop to take notes. His fingers are moving quite quickly over the keyboard but he stops, startled at something Sophie's said.]

You mean to say you've escaped before?


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