May 14, 2011 22:41

[There is a man in a plain back, two button suit and tie, with well polished shoes who is currently pacing in front of the statue in the town square. His close cropped brown hair is left slightly mussed as he absently runs a hand through it, muttering softly under his breath.]

This is too elaborate for him. I stopped him. So this is something else ( Read more... )

*plot: and now for something..., [doctor who] the master-simm (au), #season two

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Comments 66

/done editing, promise irreversibly May 15 2011, 06:32:58 UTC
[Xion spots him pacing and pauses to watch briefly before approaching him cautiously.]

Are... Are you okay?

[Hi, Master. Meet what looks to be a fourteen-year-old boy with the bluest eyes and gravity-defying hair dressed in a black coat. Of course, in her heart and soul, Xion is a girl, but not a human one. Not a real human, anyway.

Following her is a quiet, quaint song.]


no worries! <3 best_served_hot May 15 2011, 15:02:22 UTC
I'm perfectly fine. [Despite the noise still following him around.]

Who are you? Do you know anything about this place?


\o/ irreversibly May 15 2011, 18:15:13 UTC
[... She's noticing that now. She tilts her head a little.]

My name's Xion. I do. You're in a town called Luministi.


:D best_served_hot May 15 2011, 23:42:44 UTC
How very nice to meet you, Xion. I am the Master. Do you know much about this town?


bit_impossible May 15 2011, 06:36:16 UTC
[for the second time that day, his background music completely comes to a stop due to his extreme surprise. he doesn't need to see that man's face to know who he's looking at (and besides, he saw it on the CAT's town directory earlier and thought it was an error). his expression turns serious and his thoughts quickly turn to the friends in town who could get harmed if they get caught in the crossfire. as he starts to walk towards the Master, knowing that he has to face his old frenemy, a different song begins to play.]


best_served_hot May 15 2011, 15:25:17 UTC
[The Master's music doesn't change, but grows louder for a moment before settling at a less extreme level. His body is tense and he's livid. In one fluid motion, he has his laser screwdriver out and ready to use, but not pointed at him. And two syllables usually would not hold as much disdain:]

Doctor. Who is trying to help you this time, hm? [Which can also be taken as, who else does he have to kill to win?]


bit_impossible May 16 2011, 00:13:31 UTC
[in a casual, yet defiant manner, he tucks his hands into his pockets. underneath, though, he too is tense and wary of that screwdriver. that screwdriver and him don't have a good history together.]

Help? You don't really think someone is helping me by bringing both of us here, do you? Goodness, you've become surprisingly naive since I saw you last.


best_served_hot May 16 2011, 00:44:38 UTC
[He is resisting every urge to pace at the moment. He doesn't like this--whatever it is.]

Well, the last time it was your blessed Saint Martha, and I don't quite know enough of what this is to make a very educated guess. [He loses the battle not to pace and does so a few steps, then back before stopping in front of the Doctor.] Why don't you tell me, because the last time I saw you? You were in your little cage.

So, humor me, when was the last time you saw me?


vengefulagent May 15 2011, 21:37:16 UTC
[well now this is a curious sight. Wash was in the library en route to the roof when he spotted the man pacing, and since that didn't seem to be normal behavior compared to the rest of the town, he decides to go investigate. granted, there's something about the man's movements that seem off to Wash, and he has a few ideas what it might be, but then again, he can't be entirely certain. not without finding out a few things, of course.]

[as he walks towards the man, that whistling music finally changes to something subtle enough that he can tune out better. he doesn't reach for his weapons, but he's more than ready to grab one if this man turns hostile in any way. (and considering the girl, Verita, was nowhere in sight, it doesn't put him at ease.) still, when he does speak, it's with a business-like tone]

Hello! My name is Agent Washington. I couldn't help overhearing, but you're waiting for answers of some kind? Perhaps I can of some service. [naturally, there's more to this simple line of questioning, but he's interested to ( ... )


best_served_hot May 15 2011, 23:26:48 UTC
[He watches him as he approaches, resisting the urge to raise a brow at the armor. Interesting. His music still remains the drums.] Well, I don't intend to be idle while I wait, those that seem to be in charge hardly seem chatty.

Hello, Agent Washington, I am the Master. What help do you think you might be?


vengefulagent May 16 2011, 02:53:27 UTC
So I've noticed. [clearly remembers his earlier visit to the town hall]

"The Master", huh? Funny, I never heard of your position in the staff line-up. [but as he's talking, he can't help noticing those drums of the Master's. that doesn't make him happy--nor does the man's tone for that matter. so, he answers in kind.]

Well, that depends. What help do you need? I can't fully guarantee my assistance until I learn what sort of trouble you're having.


best_served_hot May 16 2011, 23:19:02 UTC
[smiles despite this] Regrettably, it is to be expected, I can hardly be everywhere at once.

The same that I think everyone here, except those in charge, share in common; assistance in finding out why we are here and, ultimately, leaving this place. Surely we can help each other and others with a goal such as that in common?


speedofnaked May 16 2011, 21:08:19 UTC
[Strange man walking in a mildly erratic pattern, talking to himself? It's the sort of company many would try to avoid, but hey; strange town, strange residents, and any information is good information. And so: while the Master is still going through his paces, a young woman approaches.]

Excuse me... do you know something about this town?


best_served_hot May 16 2011, 23:29:26 UTC
[he sees her approach and looks to her.]

Unfortunately I know nothing outside of the fact that I was brought here against my will and there seems to be no apparent exit.


speedofnaked May 16 2011, 23:33:44 UTC
No exit? But... [Her head tilts a little to her left, aiming for one of the ostentatious pathways out of town.] ...where do they lead?


best_served_hot May 17 2011, 19:46:58 UTC
They lead back to another route which leads to here.


bonnypiperlad May 17 2011, 08:36:07 UTC
[The sound of bagpipes can be heard nearby, moving slightly closer as a young man dressed as an 18th century Highlander walks by. Happening to catch a glimpse of the other man's reaction, the Highlander takes a guess as to what's going on.]

I've not been able to figure out where it's coming from, either.


best_served_hot May 17 2011, 20:42:43 UTC
It seems to be unique to each person.


bonnypiperlad May 19 2011, 07:23:35 UTC
Aye. It changes sometimes, too. [Although he's not sure why. It occurs to him that he hasn't thought to ask if this music followed anyone around before, and he looks at the other man thoughtfully.]

Hey - you'd not happen to be one of the people who were here before, would ye?


best_served_hot May 25 2011, 21:41:01 UTC
No, I have not been here before. Though I hardly think I would be any more pleased, had this been my second time pulled from where I come from.


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