❧ Time is Running Out

Sep 25, 2010 21:44

[while the music still plays, the two voices beyond the door finally stop arguing for a moment. if anyone is listening, they can hear this:]

[the first voice is obviously Resarci's--accented as always. his tone is firm] I think I've said all that I can.

[the other person sighs wearily. as he begins to speak, it becomes obvious that this is ( Read more... )

#season one, *plot: time is running out, !mod

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wind_of_reason September 26 2010, 05:05:11 UTC
[With a desire to eke out even more clues, curiosity had overcome Fuu. Figuring that it was too late to worry about how improper it might look, she set herself down at the locked door with a water glass and started trying to eavesdrop.
For a long time she heard only music and indistinct, arguing voices, but then, finally, something else comes through...]

[Concentrating deeply as she listens to the conversation, she is completely taken by surprise as the doors burst open, sending her scurrying. As she turns and takes in everything - the greyscale Mayor, the ballroom, the dissolving of it into a ...spy center, the weird sheen that is doubtless the barrier he'd mentioned, and the Mayor's speech - her eyes grow wider and wider at each item.]

[Oddly, the first thought that floats to the top of her mind in all this is, the Mayor was in colour in that promotional video. What is he doing in black-and-white?]

[But at the Mayor bidding them farewell, Fuu is gripped with a sense of foreboding. She steps towards him, reaching out a hand and cries out urgently.]

Wait, Mayor! Please.
[Blushing as she realizes what a forceful reaction that had been she quickly adds,] You said you wanted to speak with us. Please don't say farewell so hastily.

[ooc: would it be all right to say "if there is a character who wants to join in this conversation at some point please do so? (because Fuu would love the support XD)", or are we kinda on our own?]


luministimods September 26 2010, 21:15:57 UTC
Then speak, Miss Hououji. We still have some time left. [slips the remote into his pocket, then clasps his hands behind his back]

[ooc: Sure, you can say that! We're leaving it up to you guys whether you want to team up or go at it individually. Also, if you'd like Sara, Sophie, or the Doctor in particular, feel free to specify. We'd be happy to get the mod characters involved with other residents.]


wind_of_reason September 26 2010, 22:02:21 UTC
[bows] I will do my best to use it wisely then.

I - we all - have many, many questions for you, but in light of what is happening right now, and about to happen, I suppose some of them will have to wait. [But then, where to start? She takes a deep breath.]

Mayor, could you please tell us all your intention with this 'project'? The 'revitalization of the human body', what is it for?

[Because if they can understand that, perhaps they can convince him of another way - a way without whatever Resarci is intending to do.]

[ooc: Alright! If anyone feels that their character would like to jump in at any point in this conversation, please do so! ^.^ Fuu knows that everyone has different ways of speaking their mind and convincing people - Sophie's bluntness, Brax and the Doctor's reasoning, Xion's kind heart, and so on - and she hopes they'll just chime in if something moves them. (And good to know she can call on those guys for support too! ^.~)]


luministimods September 26 2010, 23:26:24 UTC
[he is silent for a moment before responding] Have you ever lost a loved one or someone you cared about? Perhaps you have or perhaps not; you are still so very young, after all.


wind_of_reason September 27 2010, 03:02:40 UTC
There-- there was one person. I didn't know her well, but I cared for her. But even that one experience... [it hurt terribly.]


luministimods September 27 2010, 05:28:25 UTC
[softly] Then wouldn't you try anything to bring that person back?


irreversibly September 27 2010, 03:58:43 UTC
What... What does that have to do with anything? You can't... [Revitalization of the human body? Lost a loved one? But -- ] How was this supposed to...

[Xion's eyes instinctively cast around the room, her expression dark and panicked. Where's the Doctor? She lost track of him when everyone came in.]


bit_impossible September 27 2010, 05:35:49 UTC
[he comes up from behind, resting a hand on her shoulder before he steps up beside her] The revitalisation of the body...a lost loved one... Xion, he's trying to play Frankenstein. Revive the dead--isn't that right, Caligin?


irreversibly September 27 2010, 05:44:31 UTC
[She jumps a little, but relaxes.] But that... It isn't possible. [Her brow knits, chin ducking a little.] Right?


luministimods September 27 2010, 05:46:23 UTC
[Caligin merely nods, a short, wry laugh escaping his lips] Correct, except unlike the good Dr. Frankenstein, I had no body I could stitch together and pump full of electricity.

And why can't I? I have the means and money to research something like this, so why not?


bit_impossible September 27 2010, 05:47:19 UTC
[frowns severely] It shouldn't be possible. Everything has its time, and everything has to die eventually.


irreversibly September 27 2010, 05:58:10 UTC
You -- When someone dies... [Her head drops for a moment, pressing her hand to her heart.]

They're not gone. Not really. There's always some part of them in your heart.


wind_of_reason September 27 2010, 06:17:14 UTC
[Fuu spends a long moment silent, thankful for the others taking the Mayor's attention. No, she would not bring Emeraude back. Not even for Ferio's sake.]

[Fuu nods firmly.]

The Doctor and Xion are right! And, how is it honourable to Mister Charles Caligin's memory to have such a thing done to us?


desertdaggers September 27 2010, 06:30:47 UTC
The Priest of Light said something like that, too. [both what the Doctor and Xion have said] People trust his advice, back home.

What good does this do?


luministimods September 28 2010, 06:17:46 UTC
What--what good? [he looks aghast at all of them] All the good in the world! In the universe twice over! People can get to say their good-byes to those who were gone too soon, cut off in their prime or killed in some war far from home. What about for children whose parents died while they were young? They could meet them, spend time with them, and form memories they wouldn't have otherwise had!


wind_of_reason September 28 2010, 06:46:23 UTC
[Fuu gapes back at him. Does he not realize how fundamentally wrong bringing the dead back to life is? How can they possibly convince him to stop? He's acting like- like... an unwitting child. A boy with a very deep regret, to risk everything to bring back his father like this.]

Mayor. Please explain to us how this all came about. How was Mister Charles Caligin so important to you that you have done this for his sake?


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