❧ Time is Running Out

Sep 25, 2010 21:44

[while the music still plays, the two voices beyond the door finally stop arguing for a moment. if anyone is listening, they can hear this:]

[the first voice is obviously Resarci's--accented as always. his tone is firm] I think I've said all that I can.

[the other person sighs wearily. as he begins to speak, it becomes obvious that this is Mayor Caligin, though there is no trace of his usually-cheerful tone] I know, Ernesto, but I still cannot believe they... [he trails off] I never thought it would come to this.

[there is sympathy in Resarci's tone, but that firmness doesn't fade] Neither did I, but it doesn't change what's most important here. The project must be successful. As it is now, the subjects are too unwilling for our testing to proceed as planned.

[he pauses] Yes. Yes...you're right. [sighs again, and there is a beeping sound, followed by humming]

What is it you have done?

Only put up a barrier. They cannot reach you this way.

Ohhh! Brilliant, Constantine--as always. [his tone picks up with excitement] Now, shall we initiate the protocol? It will bring the project back on track. I guarantee!

[Caligin's tone, however, is subdued] Not quite yet.

[confused] But...why wait?

I want to speak to them first. After...everything, I owe them that much.

If you insist, Constantine, but remember--it is for the good of the project.

[a brief pause before Caligin says] Of course.

Then we shall talk again when it is done. I must prepare! [footsteps are heard against the floor, fading into the distance]

[suddenly, the doors fly open and happy, bright music practically bursts out, along with puffs of white confetti from two confetti guns. inside is a grand ballroom with expensive, vast crystal chandeliers hanging along the ceiling and around each one are swathes of white cloth tied off to give the whole room the feel of being in a giant tent. white and yellow rose bouquets in grand vases in the shape of lions bookend rows of chairs facing a flowered trellis, and beneath it is--Mayor Caligin himself.]

[only...while color floods the entire ballroom, Caligin is physically in grayscale, just like every broadcast of his has been. he extends his arms, grinning at the people in the room beyond and starts to speak.]

Welcome and hello to my most illustrious citizens! I hope you have enjoyed your stay in my humble abode. The joyous occasion you have been waiting for has finally arrived--!

--Is what I would love to say. [his smile fades as he steps down away from the trellis] However, there won't be any such ceremony today. What a shame, too. [he clicks a button on a small remote in his hand, and everything but the chairs shimmers and dissolves, the music stopping, revealing thousands of security screens set all around the room, each one watching a spot in town or inside the mayoral house itself. just in front of Caligin, however, a sheen like an oily spot can be seen stretching from wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling.]

I am--[he pauses for a moment]--disappointed it has come to this. We could have done so much good for so many people together... [he glances down at the remote in his hand] But I'm afraid it is time to say good-bye.

[ooc: You heard the Mayor--this is your one chance to speak to him. He is about to initiate a protocol recommended by Resarci. What he actually does comes down to all of you and your actions right now. This plot will run for one week real-time, during which characters can speak to the Mayor on this post. This is it, citizens! Can you convince the Mayor not to do what Resarci is planning? And as for what that is...well, hopefully, you won't have to see.]

#season one, *plot: time is running out, !mod

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