
Sep 18, 2010 22:25

[not too long after receiving the picture on his CAT, said device turns on, broadcasting everything, just as the Doctor reaches the northernmost door. he pauses for a moment, reading the sign.]

Wait until I'm called? [he makes a face that says "Not on your life," and barges in--but stops short when he spots the four townspeople waiting by the fireplace] Ohhh, and the entertainment's here already! I'd wondered if I'd see you lot again--well, no, not really. Not two of you, anyway.

Well! It's been fun, but I've got things to do: worlds to see, planets to save--and you lot have kept me here for far too long already.

[he stalks across the vast room until he reaches the door, but frowns when he can't turn the doorknob. a little noise of frustration escapes his lips while he pulls out his sonic screwdriver, the instrument whirring for a moment before he sighs and puts it away] Deadlocked... That would figure.

[he runs a hand through his hair as he walks away from the doors. by now he's noticed his CAT is on] Looks like we can't go in to visit our wonderful mayor. Would anyone care to join me here with the rest of our friends? Certainly won't be a dull time, that's for sure...

[ooc: All right, here's the discussion post everyone! Feel free to use this space to talk to one another or the Doctor (so yes, threadhopping is allowed), share what you've learned, and if you want to chat with a mod NPC (Verita, Ms Osculia, Audrey, and Sheriff Iussus), please put their name in the subject line of a comment and we mods will come and tag you!]

#season one, *plot: the final countdown, [doctor who] the tenth doctor (ou)

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