May 20, 2009 00:56
I just remembered that as far as digital art, or any form of visual art is concerned that ISN'T writing, I'm basically impaired. Crap. I can imagine lovely art, but using my computer to come up with an approximation is a nightmare.
And my new glasses are killing my ears--rather bad fit, and I think that they're actually blistering again due to all that pressure on them in the wrong spots... Like loads of fire ants running around on my ears, that low-level and constant pain; sharpens as I move or touch the frames, and removing them really hurts. Time for bed and pressure relief I think. Would that I could've seen my optician earlier, but I've been at University for the last week due to exams, and so have been switching back and forth between the old pair and the new pair as needed. Unfortunately the old pair gives me headaches, and reacclimatizing to the new pair after having used the old for several hours makes it worse.
Thank God I'm home, can run to the optician's tomorrow, and my own bed where I can dream about nekkid Cas/Dean *hint, hint, LOL* and wake up to a new installment of zooey's Soldiers of Distortion. Must remember to ask where the title came from...
(music choice: Hans Zimmer is pretty good, though I notice that the Gladiator soundtrack and the stuff for Pirates of the Carribbean are waaaay too much alike to be coincidence. There are certain passages where they're practically identical, believe me. As it is, one is using a later track from the album, Chevaliers De Sangreal in the Super-Huge Mix that is Eating Up My Brain...)