Concerning Energy Snakes

Nov 05, 2006 21:52

I actually have a second to write in you, livejournal!

I'm just going to write and see where this goes.

I had another fantastic weekend for the most part. The Full Monty opened on Thursday (which I know doesn't normally count as part of the weekend, but a show's opening always heralds the weekend to me. Probably because every show I did before this one has opened on a Friday, but goerfngoandsfoimasib) and there was a big opening-night gala afterward over at Warner Hall. Warner Hall is nice because it's new and it has something like a coffee shop in the... I want to say "lobby" but I don't know. There's a little cafe there, and tiny round tables for people like me to sit at while we drink our coffee and write forty-page papers on obscure topics that are OH MY GOD DUE TOMORROW because I stayed up all night cramming for my biology exam and I can't do laundry properly and my roommate's a dumbass and I stayed up all night partying because I'm in fucking college and this is what we're supposed to do when we go to college. I haven't been to the coffee shop yet. Also, I don't live on campus. And I don't take a biology course, and I paced myself when writing my last forty-page portfolio paper, and everything worked out nicely. Fuck. I fucking hate this place.

What was I talking about OPENING-NIGHT GALA. Yeah, what the hell was that? We finished the show and we had to change into nice clothes and go to Warner. I didn't really have anything laid out. I had my nice pants and jacket, and a blue shirt that I don't like, and some laceless black shoes that I do like. I didn't have a tie or black socks. When I say that, I mean that I forgot to bring a tie and black socks. I tried to keep my white socks hidden, and did my best to project the following:

"Yo, FUCK ties."

And that was that. The jazz band was there, and they sounded good. The food was catered and expensive. I didn't stay for more than twenty minutes.

All the runs of the show have gone pretty well. I'm making some pretty cool friends. My character's name, for those who get it, is Pierce Strykeheart, and it's starting to catch on. That name is taking me places in this department, and that's fucking great. Still don't want to stay here. No reason to stay here.

But you know. Scroll down a bit. Yeah, you know.

Ann and Jenabay and Kevin came and saw the show, and I guess Kevin was uncomfortable during it. No sympathy from me at all. None.

I don't know. The rest of the weekend was bippin' because I got to cHiLL with Andrea. We went and saw The Departed today. It was pretty excellent. She's pretty excellent, too. I don't think she wanted to see it that much (not nearly as much as I did at least), but she brought it up as something to do anyway. Then we saw it. Yeah, she's pretty great. She didn't have to do that.

Everything is going to explode in a couple of weeks.

This is what I'm looking forward to:

- Thanksgiving Break
- Andrea (which I guess was implied in the first one, but it's very important, so buh)
- For Your Consideration
- Wii

I didn't fucking reserve a Wii. I missed the boat. I don't know where to go to do it, and I'm pretty sure preorders are out for at least the next couple of weeks. If you're getting a Wii, know that you have given me ample cause to find you and live in your home until I get my own. Don't be alarmed when that happens.

"THANK you."
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