in which lumen_curiae discovers the joy that is kirk/spock

Jun 11, 2009 22:21

O.M.G. And I thought Germany/North Italy was going to be my newest slash sensation this summer. Instead, I have gone back to the roots of slash. The first ever slash pairing (in a fandom, Achilles/Patroclus does not count). Kirk/Spock has lasted the test of time and now I see why. I seriously doubt that the slashpairings  of any other fandom will reach this level. This is the granddaddy of all slashships and it is EPIC!! ZOMGWTFBBQSPQR!FANGIRLSPASM!!

I never expected to like the Star Trek fandom. It just seemed really weird and scary what with its uber obsessed fans. The whole thing seemed lame to me for most of my early fangirl years. Come on, phasers? WTF? Lightsabers are 10,000 times better! And don't even get me started on how Quenya is more awesome than Klingon. Friends and (extended)family have told me how amazing Star Trek is, but I never really wanted to watch it.  Well all that just changed. I went to see the new Star Trek movie with a great friend of mine, a fellow slasher fangirl, who had also never seen the original series, and we spent the ENTIRE time in the theatre squeeing. Thank god we didn't go see this when this was still a new relase because damn did we squee, and talk, and giggle, and make slashy observations. After it ended, I just wanted to watch it again, it was that awesome.

See the Sokka!Library icon? Oh yes. It's fanfic reading time!

Now...what paring am I going put on my name tag for the SDCC Slashers' Dinner? 

straight up awesome, kirk/spock, epic, nerdy, slash, star trek, fandom, squee

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