
Jul 31, 2019 14:29

You can read as many books as you want, listen to as many advices you can, rely on as many external influences or forces. Ultimately the only one who can help yourself, is yourself.

Only you know what you want, only you can get your ass up and improve yourself. Your own mentality is what is going to give you what you need and want.

That being said, I feel like I am still going nowhere at the age of 29. Really got to assume 100% responsibility for what happens in my life, slowly getting there but it really was tough. If you can do it yourself, never depend on others to do it for you. Just giving you the option of blaming others when things go south, but it was indeed your own choice to depend on someone. So in itself, you are the one to be blamed: hence 100% responsibility on every outcome in your life. Only took control after 3-4 hours of my life wasted, if only I was more proactive in dealing with the situation.

Wanted to badly to rant to someone but hey, I didnt because it wouldnt have mattered as the situation as been solved, and i knew whats the best way to solve such issues in the future. but it was a damn bad day and finally told brian because he was staying at my place in kl at the end of the day. I guess we still need some form of human contact.

Kind of want to date but then when i do i feel so dead inside, kind of want to fully focus on myself but still crave companionship. SIGH. deleted facebook and twitter but still on instagram because need to exchange some form of contact for dating and its not as confrontational as asking for a number. FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS. ok signing of, ciao
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