It was horrible ;(;(;(

Jun 16, 2009 17:25

So last night I had a nightmare involving Marco Rubio, Schmiss, & I. Here is how it went:

It was a cold winter evening. Schmiss & I were walking down down this old village and it was snowing pretty bad. We arrived at this house that I guess was either mine or hers and as we were trying to enter we saw Marco Rubio & his wife on our lawn. He said "oh hai Schmiss!" while completely ignoring me (;__;) and Schmiss was all "hey" like in a really bitchy Blair tone. She was pissed that his wife was there I guess. He made a comment about the snow on the ground and next thing I know he is throwing snowballs at us and laughing like he is having a wonderful time. I playfully made a snowball and threw it back at him but his wife didn't like that cause she rolled her eyes and tried to pull him away. She was in a hurry, I guess she needed to reapply her make up? But he didn't want to leave and kinda pushed her away. She was offended and was all "whatever," and walked away. Now he was throwing snowballs at us pretty fast and it kinda hurt. I got hit in the face I think. Schmiss said, "this isn't fun anymore," and pulled me towards the house while rolling her eyes. He saw us leaving and got angry out of no where and it was so freaking creepy (just as creepy as this dream) and we started running until we were inside. After we got in he was trying to break the door. He was screaming and telling us to open the door or else. I started running towards a room and his under the bed (yes, I have no balls) while schmiss shut all the windows and locked the doors. It wasn't enough tho cause he started breaking the front door...

And that's when I woke up. He was really scary ;____;


Also he says speak English or GTFO

Click the picture for the link.

why you do this, dreams, the dark side of snowball fights

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