Save the drama for yo mama!

Jun 14, 2009 06:41

Oh my gosh. bb Graham has competition for #1 Diva rn.

BACKSTORY: Jonah Goldberg is the son of famous wingnut writer Lucianne Goldberg. He parlayed his mother's success into a job at the National Review, and later published a book called "Liberal Fascism" which went to number one based on bulk ordering from Conservative Book Clubs that happened to be run by his publisher the AWESOMENESS of his theory that Democrats are totally Nazis. You can read more about his special brand of cheeto-stained crazy on Sadly, No by looking up Jonah, Liberal Fascism, or Doughy Pantload. Here's a good starter. And here. And here, here, here (THE WHITE MALE IS THE JEW OF LIBERAL FASCISM), here, definitely here...

Also, this post is totally unrelated to anything but it is just funny.

ANYWAY. Someone kindly sent him a link to a Glenn Greenwald article* decrying his total ignorance in attacking Sonia Sotomayor for her perceived non-meritorious achievements. The e-mailer and Goldberg went back and forth, by which I mean Goldberg wrote a curt "it's stoopid" reply and broke down after one more email.

And then, as any good BNF is wont to do, he posted an ~epic~ flounce. Srsly, is this Fandom Wank material or what?

Yawn. This is childish nonsense too. I'd defend myself in depth, but what's the point with someone like you? Suffice it to say, my #1 bestselling book has been translated into several languages and positively reviewed and/or taken quite seriously by quite a few people outside my "echo chamber." It was published by the tiffany imprint of one of the most respected publishing houses. I'm one of the most widely syndicated columnists in America (some non-echo-chamber editors must take me seriously). And non-echo-chamber outlets like NPR and countless universities invite me to speak regularly. Oh, about that idiotic Salon story, the guy knows jack shit about how I spent my twenties. I'd compare my resume to pretty much any prominent leftwing blogger. I know this all inconvenient to process and please don't take it as an invitation to debate, I'm done with you.

By the way, this email is not for publication.

You guys, Jonah Goldberg doesn't know how to put this... but he's kind of a big deal.

* Glenn Greenwald can be a pretty wanktastic BNF at times too, although nothing compared to Doughy Pantsload.

#1 diva in this game for a minute, bnf wank, kind of a big deal

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