Next Stop, Houston

Apr 05, 2010 10:00

It's quiet here this morning, for the moment (I think everyone except Marketing is in a Production meeting), so I'm going to try to catch myself up on the past few weeks.

Let's see, archas came to visit a few weeks ago, and my parents didn't, then I worked all week - don't think anything exciting happened on that front, and then it was the weekend again.

We had Dave's parents, and grandparents, over for dinner one Friday night. His parents were leaving for a cruise (which they returned from this past weekend), and needed to be close to Logan, so they were going to stay with us. It was supposed to be the four of us, some pizza and the TV, but it turned into the six of us, baked haddock, a mess in my freshly cleaned kitchen, dining room and living room, and a lot of drinking. After Dave's grandparents left, and his parents went to sleep, Dave and I were like two little kids at a sleep-over. Everything was funny. The more quiet we tried to be, the more noise we made, which resulted in more giggling. It ended up being a fun night.

Anyway, Dave took his parents to Logan the next morning and then I honestly can't remember what else we did that weekend. He probably went out on the bike. I'm sure I did laundry and went to the grocery store; probably watched a lot of West Wing, too. But other than that, well, that was probably it.

So, the work-week started again, and I wasn't feeling well. I had a sore throat on Sunday (that I do remember), but it wasn't too bad. But Monday, I didn't make it through. I left work around noon-thirty, ate some soup and slept for three hours. I didn't feel much better on Tuesday, so I stayed home from work. I was good to go again on Wednesday, and then Thursday was my Friday and the work-week was over again.

We spent Friday working outside. Dave raked out the lawn and tuned up the lawnmower. I cleaned up the patio, weeded the flower beds, trimmed back some old growth and planted a few seeds. We went out for dinner later that night and then watched the Celtics blow yet another game.

Saturday, Dave spent the day out on the bike. I did my usual weekend laundry, shopping, West Wing-watching, and then we had burgers and dogs on the grill and watched the Bruins game.

Sunday was Easter. The night before, we talked about going to church (which is, literally, across the street from our house). We even looked up what time mass was: 7:30, 9:00 and 11:30. We definitely weren't up in time to go to the 7:30 service, or the 9:00 service. We could have, however, gone to the 11:30 mass, but at 11:00, we were on the bike. We did, however, ride past the church, as everyone was going in. That probably doesn't count though.

We were out for about two hours and then came home to start our Easter dinner. We had a quarter-ham, real mashed potatoes, gravy, pineapple, mixed veggies and rolls. It was pretty damn good, and so much easier to cook and clean-up when there weren't four people in the kitchen. After dinner, we basically sat around and did nothing. I called my parents and later a friend of Dave's stopped by. We watched a little bit of the baseball game and then went to bed.

Now, we're back at work. It's going to be a long week after my very abbreviated last week. But, there's stuff to do, so hopefully it won't drag too badly. And really, other than working and our usual weekend antics, there's not much doing until next month when Dave and I both go to Texas for work (I'll be in Houston while he's in Galveston).

And, I'm sure there was more in there like Dave getting me an Easter Lilly, his mother's reaction to my having a snake, and how well all of the plants are doing, but I'm in need of my bagel, so that's all for now.

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