Life in the Slow Lane

Mar 01, 2010 14:20

Last week, and this past weekend were pretty uneventful. I've been contemplating building an ark, but other than that, last week was just work, work and more work.

I bailed on going to Patrick's last Thursday because of the weather, and that was probably a blessing in disguise. I think I was fighting off some sort of stomach bug at the time. I had been pretty tired for a few days, and then Thursday evening I had a stomachache and a headache. I went to bed at nine and didn't feel too much better for most of Friday.

Dave and I went out to eat on Friday night, mostly because we're trying to observe the no-meat-on-Fridays-during-Lent thing, and neither one of us felt like going to the store to buy, and then cook, fish. Dinner was good, and then we both passed out pretty early.

We were productive in our own ways on Saturday though. Dave spent the day working on his bike. He took the wheels off to get new tires a few weeks ago and since then he's been taking more and more apart and seems to keep finding things that need replacing. He keeps threatening to just unload it and get a new bike, but I don't see him parting with it until he can no longer fix it - no matter how much he complains about working on it. While Dave spent the day in the garage, I spent the day in the basement applying polyurethane to the two bookcases that I stained the previous weekend.

In the late afternoon, we cleaned ourselves up and then went up to New Hampshire to meet Dave's parents for dinner; a belated birthday get-together for Dave. We went up a few hours before our reservations so Dave could get parts at Seacoast HD - oddly enough, replacements for something that wasn't broken. Then we poked around in a few of the little shops nearby and drove past the fire left-overs in Hampton Beach. We still had about a half-an-hour before Dave's parents were meeting us, but everything closes up there so early, so we just sat in the restaurant bar and had a few drinks.

Dinner was excellent and the drinks plentiful. The restaurant saw Dave's mom give him presents at the table and took it upon themselves to bring us some crazy Oreo, ice cream, whipped topping monster. It was also very good. And, again, I was reminded how much I enjoy spending time with Dave's parents when it's just the four of us.

Once we got home, we were pretty much useless and went to bed early again. But Sunday was another productive day. Dave was back out in the garage and I was back in the basement, but this time I was unpacking boxes in my room. I've mostly loaded up my bookcases with my photo albums and notebooks. All of my toys and dollies have been freed from their cardboard confines, and my CDs once again have a home. I still have some shelves to put up, pictures to hang and a few more boxes to sort through, but my little basement nook of spook is coming together nicely.

In between working downstairs, I went to the grocery store and CVS, did a few loads of laundry and did some reading. Today, I'm all sorts of sore and achy from carrying the boxes from the attic to the basement. But, it's been a quiet day, I've gotten some work done, ordered a couple of books online and have managed to stay out of everyone's way.

No big plans for the rest of the week. I'll try to make it to Patrick's some night, but I've heard snow rumors for later this week again. I don't know if I'm getting old or lazy or what, but I just really don't want to deal with driving in any sort of weather anymore. It's not that I can't, it's that no one else can, and extending an already lengthy trip and upping the aggravation level isn't usually worth a couple of hours out. And what all that really means is that I need sunshine and spring-time. Soon, they tell me, soon.
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