Saw Dark Knight last Sat.
It was Teh Awesome! Elventy!!
Discussion about... mumble mumble... spoilers.. mumble mumble
So, I've been having the following discussion with a number of people over the past couple of days.
The question that has confused so many (ok a couple) of my friends and colleagues.
Did Twoface/Harvey Dent die at the end? Or just get knocked unconscious.
I am of the opinion that he died. Granted there was no tell-tale giveaway of checking for pulses or such, but I submit as exhibits
A) that there was what appeared to be a funeral afterwards,
B) that if they're serious about getting the people of Gotham to think that Two-face/Harvey Dent is a good person, then his pyschopathic ass had better be dead.
C) in response to someone else's "or locked up", I say: there are 50 cops on site. Hard to cover up. If 2F/HD was still alive: Someone would notice, and get a ambulance for the bastard. It's hard to convince them he's his old self if you have to lock him up indefinitely in a psych ward.
Alright Alright. So enough of that. It occurs to me that one can see what the internets think.
IMDB: The Dark Knight synopsis says:
So then Two-Face flips a coin for Batman, which lands on tails, and he shoots him. He then flips a coin for himself and it lands on heads. As he's flipping the coin for Gordon's son, Batman gets up and tackles him and he falls out of a window and dies.
Dies: 1
Alive or Fate Unknown: 0
Wikipedia: The Dark Knight says:
Two-Face shoots Batman in the stomach, but before he can determine the boy's fate, Batman tackles him over the side of the building, saving Gordon's son. As Dent lies motionless on the ground, Batman and Gordon decide that the Joker would win if anyone found out about Dent's corruption and madness.
Dies: 1
Alive or Fate Unknown: 1
Random Fan ReviewTwo-Face dies. Apparently. It's somewhat vague. He gets tackled off a building floor by Batman and goes splat on the ground level. But he does not break his neck or go SPLAT. Nobody goes 'OH MY GOD HE'S DEAD'. [...] So you could say he's in hospital somewhere as Two-Face. In The Dark Knight's book sequel/prequel-tothe-third film, Inferno, it states ALSO just as vaguely that Two-Face is alive in the streets.
Dies: 1.5
Alive or Fate Unknown: 1.5
So, there you have it people: Two-Face Definitely mighta bought it.
UPDATE: New news on this v. subject: