Hi y'all! Intrigued? Well, just wait, all will be revealed.
I woke up this morning with an awful headache, but I took some painkillers, and it soon went away. I got on Skype with
blindwriter4god and we've spent an awful lot of the day together. She gets on so well with Charles and I, it's amazing how comfortable we all are. Anyway, we were talking, and Charles woke up so I went to get the breakfast. I have my skype output set to speakers, and input set to the headset mic, so we can move the microphone for maximum pick up power, wherever we are in the den. Anyway, I was making the banana smoothie for breakfast, and the yoghurt wouldn't come out of the carton.
"come out Come out!" I said. Then I suddenly went into Glinda the good's summoning song from the Wizzard of oz. You who know the film will know what the real words should be. This was my version. "come out! Come out, wherever you are, and meet the banana that fell from a star!" at which point the three of us busted up into a zillion pieces, laughing.
Later in the day, when Nana's home help was there and she'd had to go, Geno called, Charles's bestest friend. We had a great Skype with him too. When he'd gone Nana came back. Forgot to say that we were also joined at one point by
fleurette67 Which was nice. Just sorry it couldn't have been longer.
Later on I made a salad Charles rhapsodised over, all it was was tuna and anchovies, olives and cheese with crisp salad stuff, in a strong garlicky mustardy tangy dressing. It was really good though. Charles is mad on salad, makes him really easy to please in this hot weather.
Well, I guess you're caught up for now. Huge huggies to my friends, and I'll see you tomorrow, or whenever.