Today's Tweets!

Jun 02, 2009 23:10

  • 23:53 @ richwels Thanks, Rich. Hugs. #
  • 23:57 Oh I wish you hadnt' said that! Now I've got it on the brain too, and it doesn't sit well with Migraine! Lol! #
  • 00:00 @ BlindTwit How very right you are! An absolute technical genius, was Kenny. And very controvertial. Also had avery good TV show here. #
  • 00:02 @ robdz He really was amazing, wasn't he? Could teach us all a thing or three! He's what made me interested in editing and stuff. #
  • 00:05 @ robdz Well, I don't see how you would know about him. I think you would have to be, um, of a certain age to know, even if you're british! #
  • 00:07 @ robdz Need to find out about that myself! Grin! Maybe I'll get you to tell me about it. Can you get it in Klango? #
  • 00:11 @ robdz The Mosen Explosion. #
  • 00:13 Feeling a bit better. Yay for that! Legs are moving so no more chair for now! Woot! #
  • 00:17 @ robdz You're not bad for a 65 year old provincial dork that never heard of Kenny Everett! #
  • 00:29 @ robdz Ok, 64 then. Getting older? losing your hair? Do you have grandchildren Vera, Chuck and Dave? Heeheehee! #
  • 00:34 @ robdz Hahahahaha! I did that too with the Kenny Everett thing, offered to mail the world in general about him! I zapped it though. #
  • 00:36 @ robdz You stow that! or I'll feed you Semolina pilchard. alone they're awful, together... yurg! #
  • 00:47 @ robdz If I fed it to you, you'd be so sick you'd want to climb the Eifel tower! Two of the vilest foods known to man! Lol! #
  • 01:25 Hungry, and don't know what to eat! Having a skype chat with Rory. Long time no chat. #
  • 01:38 @ robdz Ah you're back! Cool beans! #
  • 02:01 Going to try for some more sleep. Laters all! #
  • 09:15 @ minnaiya I quite agree! I don't like retweets either! #
  • 09:20 Morning Tweeps. Welcome to day three of killer Migraine. Today we have...crushing pain! But can move and speak, so yay for that. #
  • 09:21 On Skype with Nana, dear lord, thank you for friends like her! #
  • 09:23 Ok, new word invented by @minnaiya. Instead of I've tweeted, which we think too long, we say, I've twote! #
  • 09:44 @ melspooner Hahah, yep, that you could! #
  • 09:45 Nella cat is making the cutest noises! She trills like a pigeon! Nella's Nana's cat. #
  • 11:23 Was making the banana smoothie, puttin in yoghurt, ad singing the summoning song from wizard of oz, suddenly it had new words cracke us up. #
  • 11:23 Come out, come out, wherever you are, and meet the banana that fell from a star! #
  • 11:26 oops! Sorry about the typos in my last but one! If only I could type! Lol! #
  • 12:01 @ kaydear Ello my butterbear! Big huggles! #
  • 12:11 Skype, twitter and MSN! How good can life get. And "kaydear coming to stay in three weeks! tripple yay! #
  • 12:21 @ kaydear Lickle Eleroo want some too! MSN me some? Teeheehee! #
  • 14:32 @ kaydear Aw kitten. Wow but you need to spend time with the Eleroo and the Spyde, That's a kind of spider monkey! We'll help it! #
  • 16:27 Just had a scary time. Headset mic got dunked in cup of coffee. Thought it was a goner! #
  • 16:28 I shook an ocean of coffee out of it, plugged in my hair dryer, and dried it all through thoroughly, and now it's working again. yay! #
  • 17:57 @ robdz Hi. Good job, Doctor Dee Zee. Hugs. Hope things improve. If not, put your foot down with a firm hand. #
  • 18:00 @ richwels Can't be much less than that here! #
  • 18:00 Back with @minnaiya on Skype, fed the girls. So comforting when I feel groggy! #
  • 18:02 @ richwels How true! Have a great day. C says your ole spider's dayd you should bury it! #
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