Today's Tweets!

Apr 27, 2009 23:10

  • 23:22 @ robdz It thinks I'm running Beta, but I'm not so wants me to download undownloadable prog. so nags my guts out. Growl! #
  • 23:23 @ robdz It happens to us all. Some people are just natural voyeurs. I'm boring too, I have them as well. fine with me Smile!. #
  • 23:25 @ kaydear there was plenty, wish you could have heard it! The air was azure sky and navy blue! Lol! #
  • 23:28 Now, shall I be greedy and slurp that second chocolate milk? 2 in one day would be pushing it, on other hand, my head aches. #
  • 03:49 @ robdz neener yourself, I'll run it when I get back. Thanks for trying to help with DMs. #
  • 03:50 head much better, thank God! Thought it was going to split right open! Ouch! #
  • 03:54 Had to uninstall Threeter, it's messing things up here. Boohoo, oh well, stil had to come here to read, so not much loss. #
  • 03:56 This thing is crazy, it just took my last two tweets off! #
  • 03:56 @ robdz Neener yourself, will run Beta when I get back, thanks for help with DMS. #
  • 03:57 My head's much better. Thought it was going to split right open! Ouch! #
  • 04:00 Don't dare try Jawter, don't know enough about scripting. Hmmm. Stick with Threeter back on Janey. #
  • 04:01 Just called Tal, he's having a bad day, poor guy! #
  • 08:07 About to go to bed, night one and all! #
  • 17:07 Just woke up, and the Migraine's back, and he's mean! Ouchy freakin ouch! #
  • 17:10 @ robdz Star Trek 6 is the best old one. First Contact best of all! #
  • 17:11 @ nitara morning, sorry about the stomach ache, hope you feel better soon. *huggles* #
  • 17:12 Right, that's me up to speed, going back to bed to lose this headache, got the cell so txt if like. #
  • 17:52 Having a hot cocoa. Very comforting. #
  • 20:56 Just getting over a pile of hand locks! Wouch on a plate! Spoke to @kaydear fantastic! #
  • 21:04 Back in bed, ouch this hurts! Nice to check tweets and stuff. #
  • 23:05 Hooray for the phone! Always makes you feel better on bad head days! yay with cherries on. #
  • 23:09 Yikes! Just had a DM from my puter Guru, didn't even know he was following me! Double yikes! #
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