Woke up this morning to the familiar flashing and pounding which told me that church was a no no! I've spent most of the day wishing my head wasn't there! Just one of the really, really painful ones.
thespyde brought me a couple of doughnuts, and some chocolate milk back from church, and he's been helping me all day. He always feels it teribly when I get really bad. Anyway, some time in the evening, I woke up, and the head ache has diminished to a low growl, so I came in here to play on the puter.
I've just been nerdling about on Klango, and listening to things, reading and gaming, and now I'm off to a rather late bed. Oh, and I called Tal, who was on rather a downer, poor guy, and maybe I did something to cheer him up, I sure hope so! Oh, and I played a lot on twitter. I'm getting hooked, yikes!
Well, that's it for now. Night night, y'all. huge huggies!