Zomg... so tired.

May 04, 2011 21:47

In other words... I think I'll put up an update so y'all know I'm still kicking.

Let see... I'm still working outrageous hours at Ye Olde Fancy Bank Haus.  I work in a small branch and with a full staff there is eight people.  Unfortunately, the two full time tellers are on leave.  One was majorly sick and has only been there for half of the time since I started in January.  I have no idea what's wrong with the other, I didn't want to pry into her health issues since she didn't tell me.

On Monday and Friday we have managed to get a little bit of help, but it's been pretty much Me, The Manager, and The Desk Person the other three days.  We have two other people that work short shifts, and that's just enough time to get me out of the bank enough so I'm only about five hours over instead of the twelve I had for the first two weeks.

I guess it helps that's my manager is really awesome.  He's about thirty so he's young and some people have a hard time of thinking of him as a manager.  But then he starts talking and people get sort of impressed that he knows so much but doesn't come off condensing.   But he'll still swear when the phone rings and interrupts the email that he was writing.  It's kind of funny because I was sort of on tip toes the first few days because I didn't know him very well.

And now The Desk Person and I have developed sailor's mouth because of him.  :\

Here's a sampling of the past week:

On Monday, we had some people coming in for the social security.  Non-stop busy that meant that I got about a half an hour for lunch.  My Manager was so tired/frustrated at the end of the night that he was kicking boxes down the hallway instead of picking them up.  He kicked one at my face.  He then laughed at me, apologized very sarcastically, and carried on his way.   Three minutes later, he checked his email to find out that the employee poll (the one that rates manager performance) will be delivered at the end of the week.

The three of us all had a good .laugh at that, because "Manager kicks objects at team's faces" would really screw him over.

There is a mental hospital near my bank.  Yesterday, a woman was demanding to talk to The Manager and it was clear that there was something not quite right about her.  She asked for us to call nine-one-one and since she was freaking people out, we did it to appease her.   The Manager did end out taking her outside and talked with her until the police arrived.  It turns out that her medication was messing with her mind and she thought that black people were racist against her.  (Crazy lady was black too, BTW.)



Today The Manager thanked me for not quitting.  He promised to send me one of the company bonus things.  But he doesn't know how to send it, so he need to read the instructions, which he needs to find, which he will do when he has time.

Me and Desk Person have taken to gambling everyday.  Yay!  Losing Streak!


The house is still around.  I've pulled out the carpet and pulled up the staples.  The hardwood floors underneath look in pretty good shape.  I don't think they've been naked for a while, they look dull but there aren't scratches.  The kitchen is still a mess because there is all of this gross carpet and I'm pretty certain I'm going to have to put floor on floor on it.

I have some time on Friday and I think that I'm going to have to go the the fabric store so I can buy some material for the couch. I wanna decorate like WOAH.

I've fallen in love with Design Sponge    and HGTV.   I didn't realize how awesome spray paint is.

When I get the whole thing gussied up I'm going to take some pictures to share.  I'm starting to like the house more and more.


I think I'm going to Otakon this year.  In fact, I'm 95% certain I'm going to go.  I love the people watching and I know I'll have some Nims time.  :D  My crazy hours meant that I didn't have anytime to spend the extra money I was making and I saved enough in the entire month that I'm set for July.  I just have to get the time approved, which should be pretty easy since I'm over by about 50 hours.


Now excuse me... the season finale of Justified is about to begin. 

get your crazy out of my house, house adventures, otakon, me!me!me!

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