Oct 30, 2003 14:15
*Slept in your bed: uhh other than just me?.. ben
*Made you cry: josh. cuz hes leavin :(
*You shared a drink with: no clue
*You went to the movies with: a whole shit load of ppl, most of which i dont know. saw texas chainsaw massacre.
*You went to the mall with: well, i went yesterday with myself. to see manda.
*Yelled at you: my dad. cuz my car broke again. haha
*Sent you a comment on Livejournal: meaghan
*Said they were going to kill you: i dont know..
*Said "I love you" and meant it?: i dont say it unless i mean it.
*Gotten in a fight: yuppers
*Been to New York?no :(
*Been to Florida? looooots of times
*Been to California? noooo :`(
*Been to Hawaii? nooo
*been to Mexico? nope
*been to China? no
*Been to Canada? no.. but that is to be my first road trip.
*Got a really bad feeling about something then it happened? lots of times
*Wished you were the opposite sex? im sure i have b4, but not currently
*Had an imaginary friend? no, but i do talk to myself sumtimes.
*Red or Blue? red
*Spring or Fall? definatly fall
*Santa or Rudolph? rudolph!
*Math or English? hm, thats a hard decision.
*What are you going to do after you finish this survey? go pee.
*What was the last food you ate? chex mixxxx.
*High school or college? college
*Are you bored? very much so.
*How many buddies are on? i only have yahoo messenger on rite now, sooo... 4.
*Do you have a crush on someone? well, i dont know if crush applys to boyfriends. i guess so.. lol
*What book are you reading now? im re-reading "angus, thongs, and full frontal snogging". funny funny book. hehehehe
*Worst feeling in the world? rejection.
*What is the first thing you think of when you wake in the morning? JUST 10 MORE MINUTES!!!!
*How many rings before you answer? uhhh 2 or 3? i dont know
*Chocolate or vanilla? depends on my mood
*Toothbrush : i just got a pretty clear one at the dentist the other day. but my other one is a spinny toothbrush. its white and ... blue? i dont remember haha.
*Jewelry worn daily : deftones hemp bracelet, pantyhose choker, mood ring, plastic sparkly ring, varga girls necklace/bracelet, lots of earings.
*Pillow cover : dont have one. my pillow is big and fluffy and red. hehe i <3 itt!
*Blanket : white down blanket.
*Coffee cup: well, i dont drink coffee. but, when i drink cappachino, it has the 711 logo on it and its styrofoam. lol
*Shoes : either my black chucks with tye dyed laces, black adidas shell tops with hot pink laces, or my black and white wing tip shoes.
*Favorite top : my new plaid shirt i got from goodwill.
*Tattoos : none yet :(
*Piercings: just 5 in my ears.. so far..
*What you are wearing now : new plaid shirt from good will, jeans, one purple sock and one green one, plaid bandana
*Hair: brown. long. not much more to it.
WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
*In my head : well, dave and ben, cuz i cant figure out which one im talking to rite now.
*After this: peeee.
*Eating : chex mixxxx.
*If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason : i dont think i would kill anyone.
*Person you wish you could see right now : hmm i dont knooow
*Is next to you: bag of chex mix, cell phone, cat.
*Do you like candles : yeah
*Do you believe in forgiveness: yeah I suppose
*What is the latest you've ever stayed up: a few days.