Oct 29, 2003 11:26
Nervous Habits?: bite my nails, scratch my arms, bite my lip sumtimes
Are you double jointed?: yep
Can you do weird things your tongue?: uh i dont know
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: sumtimes. but its on accident
Can you blow spit bubbles?: sumtimes, but it takes a while
Can you cross your eyes?: yep
Tattoos?: none YET!
Piercings and where?: 5 in my ears, but many more to come
Do you make your bed daily?: never
Kissed?: ben
Hugged?: ben
Talked to?: phone: manda, person: mom, online: josh
Went on a date with?: ben
Laughed with?: manda
Hung out with?: ben russ and dave
Took a shower?: yesterday!
Cried?: today
Talked on the phone?: like 5 minutes ago
Read a book?: monday
Punched Someone?: about a week ago, boxing match with decker. haahaha fun times
Which shoe goes on first?: whichever one i pick up first
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: many times
On average, how much money do you carry with you: depends on what im doing that day
What jewellery do you wear 24/7?: black sparkly ring, mood ring, varga girls bracelet and necklace, hemp bracelet with deftones beads, choker that i made out of pantyhose that hasnt come off in about a yr.
Favorite Piece of Clothing: my long patchwork knit sweater.
Pajamas: underwear and/ or night pants, tank top sumtimes
-- FOOD --
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: dont know. i dont eat spigeti often
Have you ever eaten Spam?: yep
Favorite Ice Cream Flavour: mint chocolate chip
How many cereals in your cabinet?: 4
What's your favorite beverage?: mountain dew
What's your favorite restaurant?: depends on my mood. mexican is usually favorite
Do you cook?: not often, tho i can cook pretty damn good.
How often do you brush your teeth?: once or twice a day usually
How often do you shower/bathe?: whenever i feel like it or need to shave
How long does your shower last?: about 20 mins
Hair drying method: drip dry if i want it curly, blow dry if i want it straight
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: yyyep
wDo you paint your nails?: sumtimes, orange or purple usually
Do you swear?: like a pirate
Do you ever spit?: all the time
Animal: monkeys, penguins, bats, kittens, lots more
Food: taco bell bean burrito with baja sauce.
Month: [october
Day: [saturday
Cartoon: rockos modern life, daria, reccess, king of the hill
Shoe Brand: none
Subject in school: art
Color: pink and black together, bright kelly green, red
Sport: dont like sports
Tv show: lizzie maguire, will and grace
Best Looking Male Female Celebs: sean patrick flannery, and i dont know who for female.
Thing to do in Spring: stuf outside
Thing To Do In The Summer: stuf inside air conditioning
Thing To Do In Autumn: be outside
Thing To Do In The Winter: cuddle in front of a tv being warm, unlike outside.
Game: twister! haha
The CD Player: sneaker pimps in my car, pulp fiction in computer
Person you talk most on the phone with: manda
Ever taken a cab?: yea
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: no
What color is your bedroom?: deep purple
Do you use an alarm clock?: cell phone
Window seat or aisle?: window!
-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position? on my stomach with my head to the side andm y arms above my head
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: yeah, until i get too hot
Do you snore?: i dont know actually.
Do you sleepwalk?: no
Do you talk in your sleep?: once in a while, but i usually catch myself doing it.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: no
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: tv
Coke or Pepsi?: [coke]
Oranges or apples?: [apples]
One pillow or two?: depends on the thickness and how im sleeping
Deaf or blind?: [*raises brow* neither?
Pools or hot tubs?: poools
Blondes or brunettes?: [depends on the person]
Tall or short?: [tall]
TV or radio?: depends on whats on
Beach or pool?: [ocean
Tic-Tacs or Certs?: [tic.tacs]
Snooze button or jump out of bed?: snooooooooooooooze
Sunrise or Sunset?: [both]
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? boca burgers
Morning or night?: [night]
Sports or news?: [blech]
Indoors or outdoors?: depends on the weather
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: eve
Cake or ice cream?: [ice cream]
Spearmint or Peppermint? spearmint
Bath or shower?: [showers]
Book or Movie?: movie
Green or Red apples?: green
Rain or Snow: depends. snow is nicer to look at, rain is funner to play in.
Nike or Adidas?: adidas
Where do you see yourself in ten years?: noo idea
Who are you going to be married to?: see above
How many kids?: see above
Your profession: hopefully sumthing with art