Aug 15, 2006 12:33
I went out. First at Tiff's house. We had strawberry daquaries,(sp) then we went to Red Robin and had 2 sex on the beachs. Then we went to McGuire's and did a shot of Gold something that tasted like cinnamon, and Captian Morgan's and Coke.
Tiff taught me how to smoke. I am not good at it. I don't think it will be a habit for me. Plus I smoke like I am smoking a joint.
I puked 4 times.
She made me smile.
When she came to get the girls last night, she asked when my next night off was and I said it was tonight. So she told me to come over. So I did.
Gosh it was so much fun. Thanks Tiff for saving my sanity for one night.