The Love That Remains - Epilogue

Jun 07, 2016 21:43

9 months later

It’s the perfect day for a wedding at Camp Water Mill, the sun is shining, as though to bless the happy couple, it’s getting warmer but not too much. Jared looks out of the window of the cabin he is getting ready in, and smiles. If he looks to the right, he can see the exact spot he saw Jensen for the first time, all those years ago. Looking back, he can’t believe they are here today. It’s like a dream come true.

Their lives went on after Jensen proposed to Jared. His boyfriend had taken Jared totally by surprise, he had never expected it, specially after having shamefully feeling unsure of himself and if he really deserved Jensen to stay with him. Then his boyfriend - now fiance, and soon to be husband - proved him wrong once again, to Jared’s happiness. They had their private celebration after returning home. At first, there was more crying as they held each other tight. Then the celebration had moved to their bedroom, and neither of them got much sleep that night. Jared smiles at the memory and blushes faintly.

In the months that followed, Jared had eventually became comfortable with only one crutch and had learned to get around just fine with it, which gives him much more freedom - plus he gets to hold Jensen’s hand as they walk. He still keeps two, and even his wheelchair just in case, specially for long periods of walking around. As he had told Jensen, he really is fine with it, he’s independent, can do pretty much everything and go all the places he used to, it might only take a little more time. He also needs aid to stay upright even when he isn’t walking and that’s okay too, specially when it’s Jensen’s arms around him. Then, he’s really okay with it.

Jensen is also making progress. He started community college last fall, and is currently taking specialized classes to get a license in Automotive Service Technology. Turns out Jensen has a passion for cars and wanted to go back to studying, and just last month he got a job at a garage. Jared can see how Jensen is proud of himself, and Jared is so proud of him he could burst. It’s awesome to see his fiance doing something he loves. And of course, he continues as the lead singer of Raising Kane and they are gaining popularity as a successful local band, everyone loves to see Jensen sing, and Jared never misses a gig.

Regarding Stephen, he had gone to trial some months ago. As predicted, Jared was called to testify, and Jensen, Chris and Chad were also called to tell what they witnessed, but of course Jared’s was the most important testimony. Jensen had driven them to the court, and when Jared was called to speak, he had a moment of panic when he saw Stephen. The man was seated in front of him, with a lawyer by his side, a smug smirk on his face. When the prosecutor started asking questions, Jared couldn’t find his voice, but one look at Jensen in the audience, and seeing the encouraging smile on his face, made Jared feel quietly confident. He firmly stated everything that happened, including what Stephen forced him to do, and the jury was shown the video to prove it was the truth. The prosecutor had asked Jared if the fact that he was walking with a crutch had anything to do with what happened to him.

“Yes, due to the heavy beating I suffered and for being thrown out of a moving car, I was left with an incomplete spinal cord injury, leading to partial paralysis in my legs. I also needed brain surgery to treat an edema” Jared had answered the woman. By this point, Stephen didn’t seem quite so sure about his destiny anymore as he kept whispering to his lawyer.

“And that is a permanent condition? Do you have a medical record to prove it?” The prosecutor asked.

Jared did, and he had told her he brought it with him to be added to the case. Jared knew the woman was already aware of it, but she was obviously asking those question for the jury. There was no way to save Stephen, and much to Jared’s relief, he was convicted to 6 years in prison. Jared wished it was more, but at least the man was not declared innocent and was gonna pay for his crimes.

A little more than a month ago though, Jared had received a call from Officer Morgan. The officer had told him it was an unofficial call, they had gotten news at the station that there had been an uprising in the prison Stephen was being held in, and that he was killed. Morgan said there was a rumor that he had refused to be someone’s bitch, and the guy had stabbed him during the uproar. Jared knew he shouldn’t feel that way, but he was relieved for Stephen’s death. Now they didn’t have to worry about what would happen to them when the man was released from prison. Karma is really a bitch and Stephen really got what he deserved.

As for their wedding plans, Sherri and Donna had decided to take care of everything. Jared knows they were trying to make up for what they did in the past, and Jared is more than happy that they got so involved in planning the celebration, and even became friends, things really do change. Jensen was the one who came up with the idea of having the wedding at the camp. He had told Jared he did some research and found out the place still existed. They contacted the owners and they were thrilled to rent the place for the ceremony.

The boys had made the drive to the camp to visit it and see where they could hold the event. It had been an extremely emotional day for both of them, stepping foot onto the place they first met, years ago. A place that held so many memories and meant so much for them. Jared had cried when he remembered the last time he was there. He had been sure he wasn’t returning the following year, and if he ever did come back, it would be only in a dream where ‘Jack’ was with him. Realizing it had come true, they were both here again and they were going to exchange vows here, was more than Jared could handle.

Jared and Jensen had looked around and taken notes, to list where everything should be. Their mothers had wanted to come along, but Jared and Jensen wanted to have this moment just for themselves. They spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the camp, visiting the places that hold so many memories. Neither had said much, they only held each other’s hands tightly. There weren’t many words to express what going back to the camp meant to them, it was their sacred place.

There’s a knock on the door and Jared is brought back to the present. His brother is there to check on him.

“How are you doing here? Feeling like throwing up already?” Jeff teases him as he helps Jared wrestle with his tie.

“Almost.” Jared gives Jeff a tentative smile. “Look Jeff, I hope you’re okay with the best man thing.”

Jeff brushes him off. “It’s fine, kiddo. I understand and respect your choice and I am just happy to be here”

Both of their brothers had traveled to the wedding. But while Jensen had promptly asked Josh to be his best man, Jared didn’t follow him. He loved Jeff, and their relationship had progressed a lot over the past few months, but Jared couldn’t have anyone to serve as his best man but Chad. He had been Jared’s best friend through it all, he had supported Jared in everything, especially when he told his friend he was gay and in love with Jensen. He had given up his apartment so that Jared could give Jensen shelter and have the chance to start their lives together by themselves, had kept Jared company when he was recovering and Jensen had to work, and his friendship and loyalty never faltered. He had explained all of this to Jeff, who had understood and was more than happy with his role as groomsman. He joked that he was the tallest and best looking anyway. Chad had called Jared a sap when he asked his friend to be his best man, but Jared could see that he was privately thrilled, and he was beaming when he replied with a ‘hell yeah’.

Josh also checks up on him, bringing little William, who will be the ring bearer. Josh’s present to them had been their honeymoon trip. Jared and Jensen will be spending a week in London, followed by a weekend in Manchester of course, to visit Josh and his family. Jared is very excited about it.

When Sherri announces it’s time, Jared’s heart starts beating fast, he grabs his crutch and adjusts the cuff on his forearm so it won’t wrinkle the sleeve of his tux jacket, gripping the handle tight as he slowly stands up, fixing his tux. Sherri smiles up at him, placing a kiss on Jared’s cheek.

“Time to go get your man, J.T.”

When Jared first sees Jensen at the makeshift altar, in a tux identical to his, with the sun starting to set behind him, his eyes water. His fiance looks gorgeous, with the tips of his hair dyed blue. Jared’s own hair has a blue lock as well. They had talked about it, agreeing that it would serve as their something blue since it holds a special meaning to them. They are also wearing matching blue ties.

When Jared starts to slowly walk down the aisle, it feels like walking towards a dream. There’s nobody there, but Jensen and his beautiful smile. Jared remembers the day when he looked out the window and saw Jack getting off the bus, and when he was sorted into his team right here, in the field they are standing on right now. So much has happened between then and now, but here he is, walking into his future with Jensen. When they arrive, Jensen approaches Jared and takes his hand, standing on his tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on his forehead.

“You look beautiful.” Jensen whispers so that only Jared can hear. Jared smiles at him and they climb the steps to the altar together.

The ceremony is very traditional, as they both requested. They want to show their love for each other in every possible way, and it’s a very emotional moment for everyone there. When the priest announces it’s time to say the vows, Jensen goes first. They hadn’t shared anything with each other regarding their vows, what they were thinking about writing, both of them wanted it to be a surprise.

Josh hands Jensen the paper with his vows, and as he turns back to Jared.

“Jared. I tried to come up with so many things to say, but as you already know, nothing that I tell you will be enough to show how much I love you and how much you mean to me. So instead of writing a vow, I cheated. I read this quote in a very special place and I thought I should read it to you now.”

Jensen clears his throat and steps closer to Jared, touching his hand as he reads it, his eyes never leaving his fiance as he has pretty much memorized the words.

“Some say every night is a night of dreams. Others assure us that not all nights are of dreams, only summer nights. In the end, it doesn’t really matter. What is important is not the night itself but the dreams. Dreams that one can always dream, everywhere, in all seasons, asleep or awake.

“Jared, you’ve been my dream ever since I was 15 years old. And then you became my reality. Now we’ll finally have our happily ever after, the one we’ve been dreaming so much about for so long and I can’t wait for it to start.”

Jensen squeezes Jared’s hand as he finishes, resisting the urge to kiss him right now. Jared is looking at him with shining, wet eyes and a knowing smile on his face. He knows exactly where Jensen read this quote, and he can’t believe he did that.

Chad hands Jared his own paper, but he only takes it to be safe, since he also pretty much memorized what he has to say.

“Well, first of all, I’m gonna have to hide that notebook in a safer place.” Jared starts with a smirk on his face as Jensen blushes. “But I’ll let you know we had the same idea. I also couldn’t find the right words to say to you, so I chose a poem that I hope it conveys at least a tiny bit, how much you mean to me. So, here it goes.

“I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart. I am never without it, anywhere I go you go my dear, and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling. I fear no fate, for you are my fate, my sweet. I want no world, for beautiful you are my world, my true. And it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you. Here is the deepest secret nobody knows, here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud, and the sky of the sky of a tree called life, which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide. And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart. I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart.”

Neither of them say anything else, they only look at each other after Jared’s finished, sharing this moment, silent tears falling from their eyes. The moment is only broken when the priest comes closer and clears his throat to get their attention.

“Jensen Ross Ackles, do you take Jared Tristan Padalecki to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love and honor, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?”

Jensen holds Jared’s hand and stares deeply into his eyes as he answers, his voice hoarse.

“I do.”

The priest smiles and turns to Jared.

“Jared Tristan Padalecki, do you take Jensen Ross Ackles to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love and honor, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?”

Jared’s mind travels back to 14 years ago, when a little boy first saw a boy with blue hair in this very same place, and he had no idea that the boy would become his whole existence. He couldn’t imagine how that boy would change every aspect of him, and that missing him would become a part of Jared’s life. Little did he know back then that boy would visit his dreams every night from then on. And on those nights that he missed him so much, not even in his best dreams he would imagine being here today, in front of his soulmate, the person who taught him everything he knows about love, ready to become everything he ever wanted, but never thought he could have. Reality turned out to be the best dream he ever had.

Jared tries to find his voice to answer the most important question of his life.

“I do.”

Jared and Jensen share another special look between them, taking it all in, before the priest is asking for the rings.

Jensen puts the ring on Jared’s finger. They chose platinum bands with a full circle of round sapphires. It’s another part of their ‘something blue’, the one that will stay with them forever.

Once Jensen is done, he places a kiss on Jared’s band, and Jared does the same with Jensen’s ring.

The priest waits for them to share their moment before making the final announcement. He addresses both men and everyone else as he speaks.

“By the authority vested in me by the State of Texas, I now pronounce you husbands. You may now kiss.”

Jensen places his trembling hands on Jared’s face and gently presses his lips against his husband’s. Everyone stands up and starts clapping and hooting, and both men smile into the kiss. Everything they ever wanted, now they have it, and it’s finally official. Jensen puts an arm around Jared’s shoulders and presses himself against the other man, as they turn to everyone with smiles as huge as the sun that is setting behind them.

Before walking down the aisle together, Jensen wraps an arm around Jared’s waist, allowing his husband to put all his weight on him, grabbing his crutch and handing it to Chad. Jared and Jensen slowly make their way down the aisle together, with eyes only for each other. When they reach the end, everyone gathers around them and Jensen takes Jared in his arms, hugging him tight, sharing one more special moment only between them. There will be enough time for everyone else at the party, but this is just them, their small piece of happiness.

The reception happens on the other side of the field. Everything looks beautiful and Jared has to give it to their mothers who did an awesome job decorating. After the ceremony Jared and Jensen go with the photographer to take photos around the camp. Jared is sure this will be an amazing memory in the future, and very symbolic as well.

Everyone is currently having dinner, the husbands are sitting side by side at the main table. There’s a small stage and a dance floor to their right, and Raising Kane is supposed to start playing soon, minus Jensen of course who is currently unavailable. Rob Benedict, Jensen’s ex roommate from the clinic is doing the honors as lead singer. They had become good friends when they roomed together and continued to go to the Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Jensen had found out Rob used to have a band, so he not only invited him to the wedding, he had asked Rob if he wanted to sing at the reception. He got along just fine with Chris, who he already knew, and Steve. Jared is curious to see what they are gonna do.

The speeches start, with Josh, Chad and the other groomsmen. Even Jared’s father speaks, which leaves the man very happy. Over the past months, his family has gotten to know Jensen better, and all that hate has been left behind. Jensen has also made huge progress with his own mother.

When the speeches are over, Jensen stands up from their table, and holds out a hand for Jared. With a frown, Jared reaches for his crutch and gets up as well. Jensen places a hand on the small of Jared’s back and guides him away from the table to the middle of the dance floor. Jensen makes a motion for Jared to stay put as he quickly walks to the stage and grabs a mic, returning to Jared’s side. Jared is staring at him with wide eyes, silently asking what the hell is he doing. Jensen smiles at him and brings the mic to his mouth.

“Today is a very special day. Many years ago, in this same camp, there was a dance. I remember dancing pretty much with all the girls that night, but there was only one person I really wanted to dance with, and I happen to know now he had wanted to dance with me, too. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to do it that night, but here’s the thing, Jay... I’m saving the last dance for you.”

Jensen lowers the mic as Jared starts blushing and stuttering. They hadn’t said anything about dancing and Jared just assumed they wouldn’t do it due to Jared’s condition.

“Jen, I-- you know I can’t, why are…” But Jared’s words get lost when Jensen presses his lips against his husband’s.

“Trust me.” Jensen whispers against his lips, and as they break apart a few inches, Jared can see Chad approaching them. Jensen hands him the mic, and places his arms around Jared’s waist as Chad grabs his crutch, as usual, and walks away. Jared starts to protest but he’s stopped by Jensen pressing his whole body against his, holding on tight, and Jared has no other choice but to wrap his arms around his husband’s neck. He’s a little unsure and self-conscious, knowing everyone is watching them, as he whispers in Jensen’s ear.

“Don’t let me fall.”

Jared can feel Jensen’s smile against his neck as he answers and the band starts playing, Jensen moving both of them slowly from side to side.

“I’ve got you.”

The strands in your eyes
That color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
And emeralds from mountains
Thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth

Jared remembers that night so vividly. He remembers being so uncoordinated, dancing with the girl in front of him, but he only had eyes for Jensen. All the girls wanted to dance with him, and that was the first time Jared thought there was something wrong with himself, because he wanted to as well, but he was no girl. He had wanted that so much and here they are now, 14 years later, finally having their dance.

And tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated; I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache
That hangs from above

I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life

Jensen presses him closer and they move in sync, Jensen’s arms holding him tight and bearing Jared’s weight. His husband has been nothing but amazing for the last months, always by Jared’s side during his recovery and bringing his mood back up when it started to go down. Jensen carries him and Jared carries Jensen, and that’s how it’s always gonna be.

Rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
And you're my survival
You're my living proof
My love is alive and not dead

And tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated; I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache
That hangs from above

Jared knows there are people all around them watching now, but it doesn’t matter. The only thing that’s important is the man holding him right now, and the moment they are sharing. Jensen beams at him, his eyes so bright, and Jared can’t stop a tear that falls down his face. Jensen leans over and kisses the tear away, as they continue to dance together to the end of the song.

And I've dropped out, I've burned up
I fought my way back from the dead
Tuned in, turned on
Remembered the thing that you said

Everyone claps, and when another song follows, other guests join them on the dance floor. Soon after Jared’s legs start to falter so Jensen walks him to an empty table, an arm firmly around his husband’s waist. Both of them sit down and watch, hand in hand, their guest having fun dancing to the band.

Jared leans closer to Jensen, his smile making dimples pop in and out, and quietly sings in his ear the song that is being played now, holding his hand tighter.

“And I can't believe that I'm your man, And I get to kiss you baby just because I can. Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through, And you know that's what our love can do.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times, It's you, it's you, you make me sing, You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.”

It’s past 2 am and all the guests are already in their cabins, ready to turn in for the night after a great party. Jared and Jensen had quickly visited their own cabin, all prepared for their night together, but they didn’t stay long, there will be time for that later. They only changed into more comfortable clothes, Jared grabbed a flashlight and Jensen, a blanket.

Both of them silently walk towards the old basketball court, making their way around to the back of it. Jensen spreads the blanket on the ground and helps Jared sit down on it, joining his husband right after. They lie down side by side, lacing their fingers together, watching the stars. It’s a beautiful cloudless night, and there are countless constellations. In 14 years, Jared has never witnessed such a beautiful sky as the one here.

“Never stopped being amazing.” He whispers, turning his head to look into his husband’s eyes. The green in it reflects the stars, and there’s only one thing that’s more beautiful than the sky. Fourteen years separate the last time that Jared and Jensen were here, but one thing never changed, it only grew stronger. Jared thinks back to that night, and he can’t believe everything that has happened since then. For him, Jack had been a beautiful dream that would never come true. Jared knew he would never forget that blue-haired boy, who taught him everything about love. Jensen was thrown back into his life without warning, and even when Jared didn’t know his identity, he loved him just the same, even with all his flaws. So many things have happened between them, and Jared now truly believes in soulmates, because Jensen is clearly his. There was never anyone else and there never will be, as long as Jared lives and no doubt after.

Jared leans over and plants a lingering kiss on Jensen’s plush mouth. Jensen smiles into his lips, and when they break apart, both of them stare deeply at each other for a long time, wordlessly, before looking up again. The best things in life are the ones words can’t express.

Of course it won’t always be this easy, life never is. But as long as Jensen is within arms reach, everything will be alright. Jared has prayed, every night, for God to give Jensen back to him, and as he promised, he has never asked for anything else since then. Every night, instead, Jared says thank you. For one more day that he has Jensen by his side, and never, even if they live a thousand years, will Jared take Jensen for granted. It’s their own miracle and own fairytale. The ending isn’t perfect like in the books because life isn’t perfect. But as long as they are together, it will be happy ever after.

April 19th, 2008

Thank you for the honor of being your husband and for loving me.
That is my greatest gift. My biggest love, and finally not a secret anymore.
My heart is forever yours.

“I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more.”

The End

jared/jensen, fic: the love that remains, spn rpf, spn big bang 2016

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