It's alive!

Jul 04, 2010 18:34

 This journal has been in a comatose condition for years now. I used it too much to rant about my personal life and distancing myself from it was kind of therapeutic at the time. I never fully left LJ thanks to dark_kana  and lhune .

The last month or so I’ve been gradually moving back into ‘fandom’. I’ve been reading and writing fan fiction again and really enjoying it again. I now begin to feel the need for a decent LJ, one that’s alive again.

I considered purging ‘lullabylily’ and making a new journal. But decided that 1. It’s probably a bit confusing, not many people know me on LJ, but still, the ones that do might be confused. 2. It’s a hassle. 3. I can’t think up a good nickname anyway, so I might as well put up with ‘lullabylily ’.

I considered using my Dreamwidth account (I’m inkweaver there) for fandom-purposes, but I have the impression that fandom is not very well integrated in DW as it is here on LJ. That’s why I intend to use DW for original fiction, real life, book, cd, concert reviews and stuff like that.
You can find it here: (note that it's mostly access list only)

LJ will be dedicated to fandom and figure skating. At least that’s what I’m going to try; I'll see if it works out. I'm not yet sure to what extent this journal will be friends locked; I'll wait and see.

I intend to make a decent master post, introducing myself again to new and potential friends. To talk a bit about my interests in fandom and talk about my own fandom related writings.

Feel free to comment and ask me anything!

fandom, introduction, dreamwidth

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