Jun 04, 2010 19:33
I was SO close to telling one of my friends today about the recent confusion and turmoil I've been going through. SO close, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I hinted at it various times, but I've always done stuff like that, really, so of course he's not suspecting anything. He's leaving for Texas for the whole summer on Sunday too. I don't think I'll tell him. I'll just stick to Kirk.
I wonder if she has her new name yet. I call her Kirk, still, and I use feminine pronouns with her to make her feel better, but she hasn't chosen a name yet. I think I'll talk about that with her today. I haven't told her mine either!
Oh, that's another thing of how I hinted to my friend about it. I made a Sim on Sims 2 that was COMPLETELY like me, except in male form with male clothes and whatnot, obviously. I even named him my name I'm giving myself. He just thought it funny, though, which I guess with how I've been my whole life is to be expected.
God this is still so weird. Three months, though. I've got three months to figure this out without the burden of school. I'm taking two AP classes next year, so the homework will pile up. Fast. Not looking forward to that.
I found my Sims 2 game and I'm installing it on my laptop once I post this. I'll create the most epic life for myself, muhaha. Ah I love it. I'm going to get re-addicted this summer, I know it, and it's all because of playing today.
I can't play all night though. I have to take the SAT tomorrow. I'm really nervous. I've never take it before, nor any sort of test with that rigor, so I'm scared. I think I'll do fine, though. For a first try at least. It's okay though cause I'm only going into junior year so I got lots of time to study/re-take and all that.
That's about it for today, I suppose. Hopefully after the SAT tomorrow I won't be completely brain dead.