Mar 22, 2006 16:16
I've got a top on today that you can see my shoulder and thus my tattoo and I forgot just how many people come up and randomly talk to you about them ... now that's fine on a night out or social setting. But I'm at work you freaks ... I have better things to do than hear all about your horrible Chinese symbol on your elbow (true fact) and no I really don't want to have to pull up or down my top (or have you do it either) so you can see it in full. GRRRRR.
Despite the first paragraph of this entry, I am in fact in a pretty good mood! My week is SLOWLY but surely coming to an end and after Thursday evening I'm free for a whole week :) I really need a break - I've been working too many hours and doing nothing to break up the grind that comes with working full time.
In fact I am most proud of myself ... I said no to working overtime last night! It was partly due to the fact they asked me at 3 o'clock in the afternoon (when they have known about it for the past 2 weeks) and because I was going to Braehead with Gail and meeting Faye there. (real reason).
It was also a long day yesterday - I had a tour in the morning which I wasn't really looking forward to. Has been over a year since I last did a tour and it was one for the prospective students and therefore not just a bunch of teenagers - but a bunch of teenagers and their overprotective parents! Thankfully my groups wasn't too big and they seemed most impressed with the place.
It amazed me though, just how many kids came with their parents - I suppose if they live miles out they might need a lift - but I would have died if my mother and father had even suggested going with me to any visits. (Esp. as it's such a touchy subject with mummy dearest).
I can actually remember my school visit to the Uni - Nicola had dyed my hair the night before (just the front bits - cause that was what you did then) and it was supposed to be red ... but we used flame so it came out bright orange and was really not attractive :( But we had a great day anyway, we swanked about the place picking up free stuff and then dug ourselves in at the QM and though that we were the fabulous folk ever (the shame). In fact we had a great time at all those career fairs/Uni visits - we seemed to be on the same schedule as all the other schools so the pretty metal boys from some school I don't recall now were always at the same ones as us and we just spent the whole time flirting with them. (which could explain my oh so great career choices in the past. Ahem).
Ok, gone off on a bit of tangent there - lets see what utterly exciting things have I been up to?
I got my photo taken loads for the Uni website :( Something I could have done without first thing on Monday morning (thank Christ I was too early for work and shoved some lippy on). I've always done pretty well in avoiding the photo opportunities in here (although there is a very fetching picture of my roots and down my top in the Annual Review of last year). But they were short of willing victims and I really could think of a good reason to get out of it (it was 9 am on Monday morning - brain was still in Rutherglen asleep in my bed).
The last time these pages (notice I'm not giving any details as to which one) were updated was 4 years ago - so I'm hoping that the woman organising it will forget (which is pretty likely) and the will never see the light of day *prays*.
Spent a fortune in Braehead last night ... oops. I was in jewellery kind of mood and although I did get a green ring (what I was going shopping for) I also bought a purple ring, 3 pairs of earrings, bracelet, a skirt and flat patent black shoes for work (yes I'm a fashion victim). As usual I got the green ring back and do in fact hate it now :)
So I shall be returning it - So at least I've not spent as much as I thought I had!
Also fell in love with a pair of patent heels in topshop - but they were 40 quid and looked like the kind of shoes that hurt more than all my ex's put together. So resisted.
Supposed to be going shopping with Faye and Rach tomorrow night though, so will have to be strong and not give into the shiny black temptation...
Entry is far too long now - time for some work and then home!!!