I took my fiance to the airport this morning and I bawled my face off in doing so. He's been gone for not even 12 hours and I already miss him like crazy. I can't feel sad about it though: we had a wonderful time together and we love each other. He's going to be my husband and I his wife - it's just going to take awhile. For now, our lives are apart but we are still very much together. Safe travels my love, I'll talk to you soon.
So I was driving home from the airport, bawling my face off, dreading the idea of going home to an empty house, when my friend suggested that I go and look at the puppies in a local pet store. So I did. And I bought one. Yea. On the spot, total impulse buy. I bought a puppy.
This is Bella: She's a two month old Shitsu, from a healthy litter with healthy parents. I bought her for an astronomical amount that I wont disclose but I will say that I can afford her and that she really makes me feel less alone. It's hard to come home to an empty house in a place where no one can really speak your language. I love it here, I really do, it's just hard sometimes, especially on days when I send my fiance home. But, I don't have to justify it: I love her. She's a very energetic puppy (I say that as she naps in her bed) she seems healthy: she has eaten and drank and can hear and see but what's more, she's going to be a good friend for me. So maybe, not stupid at all?
My dear f-list, if you have any advice about obedience and toilet training or anything, I'd be glad to hear it. Bella has a cage with potty papers and a potty tray; she'll be in her cage for a few hours in the mornings, then I'll come home from school to check on her, play with her a bit, feed her, and then I'll be home with her in the evenings. Any ideas or suggestions would be very nice.
Give your family and loved ones hugs for me. ♥