Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me and many more
I have noticeably not matured any in case you were curious as to whether it might happen this time...I have realised that since those friends I was bemoaning on Sunday have actually gone onto ring me and profusely apologise that perhaps I overreact at times...and in fact that they took the time to call shows that perhaps they are my friends after all....???
Also that person who I didn't invite is being uncharacteristically nice to me all of a sudden strange huh???
So of course something would have to rear to rain on my parade - of course I was going to call in sick to work today anyway because its my birthday but then since yesterday I have actually been sick - result - er no not really because I am coughing and spluttering all over the shop whilst writing this and worryingly I cannot breathe from time to time as well....gurrreat...er no not really!!!!
anyway I have just had a steak meal courtesy of me ma so am a little happier.....
thought I would fill this out as nicked from
SMILED? A second ago lil bro is watching the Simpsons and I just read a list of Homer Simpson's aliases funny!!!
DANCED? Yesterday I had a shitty pre birthday party at home (complete with party rings) and was spazzing like a loon...
KISSED SOMEONE? me ma on the cheek before I went to bed last night whereas on the mouth I kissed Matt Saturday night (we were playing a pass it around game wasn't romantic)
HUGGED SOMEONE? My friend Lou hugged me Saturday night
HAD A NIGHTMARE? last night I dreamt about zombies again tearing through people's flesh greatly helped by the music from the menu of the Excorcism of Emily Rose which I fell asleep watching on DVD last night.
LAST THING YOU READ: "John" by Cynthia Lennon - he was a bit of a bastard he reminded me of Fe.....wrong....
LAST MOVIE YOU SAW ON THE BIG SCREEN: oh jesus it would have been Failiure to Launch - wrongage
LAST PHONE NUMBER YOU CALLED: home cos I'd forgotten what I was sposed to buy my ma at sainsers
LAST SHOW YOU WATCHED ON TV: house of tiny tearaways (ma was watching it) - i don't watch tv really
LAST SONG YOU HEARD: Lying Down by Kirsty Maccoll I think???
LAST THING YOU HAD TO DRINK: Water to counter the attack of the coughs
LAST THING YOU ATE: steak dinner
SMOKE? Pasively yes a lot but no
HAVE A CRUSH? Yes I quite like Matt a little/lot right now prob won't tommorow but...
HAVE A DREAM THAT KEEPS COMING BACK? Yes sodding zombies - freaks me out so bloody much what does it mean???
STILL LOVE HIM/HER No cos it was this kid called Alex when I was like 7
READ THE NEWSPAPER? No I read (through me ma) the Sun
HAVE ANY GAY OR LESBIAN FRIENDS? No,a hotel motel friend but she's not a proper lesbian...
BELIEVE IN MIRACLES? Prob not I dunno??
BELIEVE IT'S POSSIBLE TO REMAIN FAITHFUL FOREVER? I dunno...I'd said yes but heaven forbid what morals I would have if I could actually attract all the men I fancied....?? I am really a slut inside I think I'm just so ugly that noone ever fancies me???
CONSIDER YOURSELF TOLERANT OF OTHERS? Hideously so but its hard to find people who are like that with me
LIKE THE TASTE OF ALCOHOL? Nopes why would ya??
BELIEVE IN GOD? I dunno I don't disbelieve somewhere in my heart I think i must do....
HAVE ANY SECRETS? Not around here....to my rl friends yes lots slash for instance and my involvement in is a big secret....
HAVE ANY PETS? two ugly rat looking meowhounds....
GO TO OR PLAN TO GO TO A UNIVERSITY? Been already shitloads of debt for nothing DONT DO IT KIDS I just felt stupid for a few years....Awful
WEAR HATS? Nopes Head is far far too big
HAVE ANY TATTOOS? No but I want one...
HATE YOURSELF? Not especially at the moment in fact I think I'm great right now (if only the world could see) but from time to time I find myself hideously stupid and then I really really do hate myself....
HAVE A BEST FRIEND? No don't think so....
HAVE ANY BAD HABITS? Iso very very many....am Messy so very veyr messy, I also talk far too much about myself, talk far too loudly swear rather too much, am rather contradictory in behaviour and am sarcastic
CARE ABOUT LOOKS? Sometimes yes and sometimes no...
TRUST OTHERS EASILY? Not really although it seems like I do
LIKE SARCASM? Adore it because I am the most sarcastic bitch in the world
KISS WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED? Not to my memory....
SING IN THE SHOWER? Yes but then like silly things says and everywhere else too....
HAVE ANY SCARS? forehead where I ran into a china basin as a child and behind ear and on middle left hand finger where I have had lumps removed.
Fill it out in the comments if you can loves??
Gah birthdays are just another day aren't they really.....